“Different language, different clothes, different skin, different race; inside same- human being”

summarized from a talk I heard from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

When I awoke last Saturday morning I had no idea that within a few hours I would hold the soft, gentle hand of the 14th Dalai Lama!

I prayed that morning to meet him, if it were Divine will, I set a clear intention for a wonderful experience and an amazing day. I then meditated on Love. Somehow all of this came together with the Grace of the Divine on Saturday and blessed me with a moment I will never ever forget.

I had tickets for the special talk at 2pm at the resort & planned some walking at Uluru in the morning. After a beautiful early sunrise meditation & prayer at the almighty rock, we were sipping chai at the cultural centre cafe and pondering the morning. We decided to go with the flow!

I suddenly remembered the beautiful Mutidjula waterhole and suggested we go there.The car park was full of police cars and a small group huddled on the path, a flash of maroon robes and a white umbrella gave it away, it was the Dalai Lama and entourage!

Like over excited kids we rushed over and watched close by as he explored the area with a local elder and met some Anangu elder women and children beside a fireplace, it was a magical, goose bumpy moment. I have tremendous respect and love for Indigenous people and culture. I felt blessed to witness this. This was a moment with astounding energetic & emotional effect. Everyone was breathless a Tibetan girl beside me was almost hyperventilating.

Then the kindly security man told us to stand by, His Holiness was going to walk by and say hello to us!

Our small “accidental” welcoming party were overwhelmed and grinning from ear to ear as his Holiness stopped on the red dirt path and grasped our hands, sharing a joke with a local tour guide about his moth eaten akubra and speaking Tibetan to a bowing group of his country folk. I thought I might faint when he got to me!

The energy and feeling radiating from this Spiritual leader is more than the charisma associated with his position and history. It was like being hit with a wind of light. A force of compassion & love. I shook afterward, and felt a great deal of emotion. Taking place at one of the most sacred places on earth.  It was a moment of Grace that I will never forget! I am grateful and astounded!

Afterwards: 🙂

The Dalai Lama said that does not see himself as anything more than a monk, a man. I love that, it reminds us ALL that we can all reach a higher positive vibrational state to influence our lives and others with our own energetic vibration which follows our thoughts and actions.

His focus, teaching and practice of meditation, kindness, love, affection compassion and non judgment has allowed him to be a joyful human being who radiates this pure high vibrational energy and pastes smiles and a peaceful glow on those who come into his presence.

I want to be that way, it has inspired me to continue & improve my own practice and to help others to lift their vibration higher too. We can change the world this way. As Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see in the world“. Global peace and personal happiness can only come if we  embrace these changes in ourselves.

Did you realize that one human being can lift the vibration of thousands of others just by being focused on peace, non judgment and love? ( Power Versus Force David Hawkins).

We can all do our bit by changing how we habitually think about ourselves and others. Practicing Love in action is the key.

Seek to let go of resentment, prejudice and self loathing – take steps to heal yourself and THEN all of the outer conditions of your life will change accordingly. It is all about aligning yourself with what you want, and nothing to do with force, luck, struggle or eliminating your “enemies”!

What did I learn from this weekend in the Red Centre? That life can be wonderful, amazing, magical when we align ourselves, our thoughts and actions with what our heart wants.  That to focus on Love is the greatest aspiration and action we can take, that Source hears our prayers…and to go with the flow.


Oh and make a vision board, the Dalai Lama and Uluru were on mine for 5 years, little did I know the two could come together in such an amazing way!

It is as simple as that.

Have an awesome week!

Love Rachel xx

Book now for a online session to align with your dreams, to clear the energies that hold you back and invoke the energies you need to go full steam ahead to a life you LOVE!


PPS Charlie Abra of Tathra yoga and I are planning a yoga and energy therapy retreat called Awaken your Spirit at Uluru later this year! watch this space







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