Angel Messages for August 24th-30th 2020


Here is the video reading for August 24th- 30th 2020 I have transcribed the invocation and prayer below- scroll down to see:

I  ask for and invite the presence of Archangel  Jophiel

thank you archangel Jophiel for helping

me to clear my thoughts of lower

negative energies

and self-destructive

drama and fear-focused patterns

that hold me in a place of pain

thank you for guiding me all week long

and clearing my mind energy of any


I ask for and invite the presence of

archangel Raphael the healing angel

thank you, archangel Raphael, for guiding

me to the most healed, whole place I can

reach during this lifetime thank you for

guiding me on my soul path

and healing my body. Thank you

for guiding me to high vibe food & beverages

thank you for helping me to detox my life and thank you for healing my


&  my emotions so that I may be clear

and living high vibrationally from my


Thank you, archangel Michael, for standing

beside me all this week for infusing my energy

with your courage and with your shield

of protection,

Let no negative energy penetrate

my auric field,  infuse me with your

guidance and the thoughts of the Divine-

guide me on my life purpose.

I am now ready to

take the next step

Lorrd Ganesha thank you so much for

being with me this week for walking

ahead of me on my path clearing all obstacles

let me know if there is anything that I

must do to clear the blocks and resistance

that stop me reaching my

highest and fullest potential

help me to know that I can grow where I

am and help me to attract receive

and be a grateful vessel for infinite abundance and so it is AMEN

Blessings Rachel x

PS If you are ready for a big change to release those blocks and shift into your highest potential, contact me for a Soul Clarity session or a Private Reading


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