Release Old Energy & Create A Positive Space for Your 2022 Intentions

Angel, Angel messages

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Get the 2022 Angel Intention Setting Worksheet Here: 2022 Angel Intention Worksheet

I’ve written a lot of New Year Messages over the years, and there is always a palpable change in the air but never has it felt like this!

I sway between excited and exhausted. It’s a roller coaster of energy as we reach the end of the year.

I am sensing a Universal readiness to release the past year (or 2) and step over the threshold into a new positive reality.

I feel it on a deep energetic level, that we are all ready to leave behind outdated systems, situations and beliefs which have created a less than joyful experience.

It is vitally important that we clear those heavy, lower energies that hold the negative situations in place, so we can create a positive space to welcome in the new better version of life we are all craving.

As you release what doesn’t serve you, and call in higher frequencies you create the perfect vibration to set your new intentions! Your Life purpose, the abundance you are waiting for, the love you deserve.

It’s time to cleanse your energy and call in higher frequencies to your space so you can make that shift.

We are all connected! By focusing on your healing and intentions, you create a shift for the whole.

To help you with this important step,  I worked with my angels to create a powerful energy clearing prayer & intention setting worksheet to help you to release those situations which cannot come with you into 2022. Download it free here 2022 Angel Intention Worksheet

This is my Free gift to you.  I suggest you download and keep this worksheet and use it often with your angels in 2022.

Healing, change and abundance do not always happen overnight, you draw them to you through incremental guided action steps- I suggest you keep this worksheet and use it often with your angels in 2022.

Download the PDF here 2022 Angel Intention Worksheet

Wishing you a Happy & Light-filled New Year!
Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium

Are you ready to take your energy and your spiritual connection to the next level? 

Start with my FREE Angel Guidance Zoom Workshop on January 11th 2022.  Bring your angel oracle cards, a crystal and prepare to receive angel guidance just for you!

Join me monthly for a Deep Energy Cleanse with the Archangels at my Archangel Attunement Sessions . The January Session is The Archangel Ariel Abundance Attunement to Create a New Vision for 2022. You can Book your Spot or  learn more here  You can save and  book all 12 of next year’s Archangel Attunements here

Would you like to work closely with the Angels and become an Angel communicator ? The Angel communication Certification Program starts  January 25th 2022.  Learn more here:


  1. Karlie

    Thank you so much for sharing the energy clearing, praying, intention setting worksheet, I always appreciate everything you share. Wishing you happiness and abundance in the year ahead✌️

    • Rachel Scoltock

      You are welcome. Thank you and a Happy New Year to you too!

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