Angels, Automatic Writing & A Starfish

Angel messages

Here is a recent review I received from Kyla, who has attended Angel Communication Program and the  Awaken Your Soul Gifts Program in 2021.

I decided to share it on my blog because it’s a wonderful, goosebumpy story of how the angels communicate with us and lead us to our purpose!

It’s a big deal to receive guidance and signs &  to know what to look for, but it takes courage and trusst  to actually follow that guidance.

I will let Kyla tell you in her own words and pictures what happened!

It’s so tricky to quantify what working with Rachel on the program actually means to me.

I could tell you about how I started dreaming again after almost thirty years,
or I could tell you how I suddenly (and easily!) made decisions and big, brave moves that I’d been putting off for ages, or I could tell you how I suddenly knew what was right for me, what I needed to pursue and what was asking to be released.

When I read reviews, I suppose I’m looking for ‘proof’ more than anything (which is funny because the angelic realm seems pretty disinterested in our understanding of proof and outcomes) So. I’ll show you this story.

This is just one of my experiences over the Angel Communication and the Awaken Your Souls Gifts Programs:

Throughout the series Rachel taught a lot of practical ways to connect with our intuitive voice and guidance. She guided us through an automatic writing session. Here is what came out during that exercise:

“Make space and time
You’ll see a starfish
You’re on the way.”

Weird, yeah? Especially the starfish bit.

One of my intentions for this course was receiving clear guidance and that included following the guidance that was being offered. Rachel repeatedly said, “follow the steps, follow the guidance”. I took that seriously.

Make space and time – I booked a holiday house in the middle of bush.

I was walking back to the cottage in the middle of nowhere I thought, that’s great and all…I’m following the guidance… but where exactly am I going to see this magical starfish in a National Park? I need to get it together, stop being so weird.

As I was washing up I looked out the window….

And there she was. Enormous and sprawling. My jaw was on the floor.

I was in the middle of the bush. I had space and time. I could be as weird as I wanted and if my intuitive guidance wanted to speak in allegory, symbol and animal messengers I was ready to listen.

I walked that giant starfish slowly and in meditation, like a labyrinth, I put a piece of paper on the end of each foot, a singing bowl and journal in the middle. I tuned into the methods Rachel had taught us over the series… and I wrote.

And that is the story of how the angels got me to walk a starfish and create my very first product and (finally! And for real!) launch my dream business.

Rachel – thank you. You mentor with such grace, patience and integrity. It never stops surprising me and I’ll always be grateful. This work changed my life.

Kyla St Jaye


Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium

Angel Communication Program is open for enrolment now.

Register for the next program with Rachel by emailing

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