Activate Your Inner Magnetism


Last year while us Aussies were still in lockdown, I felt a familiar frustration rise up to the surface.

I was thinking about some of my long held dreams and goals and noticing how I’d let them slip out of focus. They seemed further away than ever!

I realized that in the craziness of life, I’d somehow stalled and was settling for less as if that was all I could do!

I didn’t like that feeling at all.

My business was growing and I’d become busier than ever but I was working only to help other people and I had forgotten myself!

I had let disappointments, busy-ness and other people convince me that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted.

My dreams of being a published author with a company like Hay House had slid to the bottom of my to do list along with my vision of speaking and teaching to bigger audiences worldwide!

I made a decision there and then to reignite those intentions, put them front and centre and magnetise them into my life.

I invoked Archangel Metatron the angel of manifestation and ascension and spent a day immersed in manifesting and listening to my guidance. I set up a daily manifesting ritual and stuck with it.

Almost immediately I started to notice a difference in my energy; strange signs started to appear and much more  abundance started to flow to me.

I felt happier knowing I was actually working on my dreams instead of pushing them into the never never!

One morning a few weeks in, I checked my DMs  and there was a message from Sunny Dawn Johnston a famous psychic and author who I’ve admired for years. Sunny is a reknowned speaker and author in the US.

She was personally inviting me to speak at her World Angel Day online event alongside her and a host of other Angel authors.

After happy dancing around my house I typed back “YES PLEASE” and the rest is history! I spoke at that event – my first international speaking gig!

That was just the beginning as I continue to work with Archangel Metatron and the other angels to magnetise more and more magic into my reality.

Are you ready to draw more abundance, opportunity, love and positive energy into YOUR life?

Are you ready to release the self doubt, past disappointments and fears that are holding you back?

Do you want a simple step by step guide to manifest naturally?

Would you like to know what guidance there is for your  manifestations and how to attract more signs.
Join me at the Magic and Manifesting Webinar to magnetise your dreams with Archangel Metatron

In this 90 minute webinar I will teach you how to tap into the power and magic of the Universe, receive guidance and wisdom from Archangel Metatron and clear and activate your personal energy field to become a magnet for abundance!

Magic and Manifesting with Archangel Metatron

Date: Friday 21 May at 10 am -11.30 am AEST
(Please note this is Thursday 20 May 5pm LA time, 8 pm NY time
Check your local time by using the converter here

Don’t worry If you can’t make it live, you will receive a video replay of this magical event afterwards.


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