4 Common Fears About Angels Debunked

Angel, Angel messages, Angels, Spiritual Awakening

Many people feel uncertain about whether it’s safe to communicate with angels. As someone who has worked with angels for over two decades, I can assure you that the angelic realm is filled with love, peace, and guidance, not fear. Angels make your life better by bringing calm and deep loving support. These fears often come from a fearful mindset, misconceptions, or portrayals in movies and media that sensationalize spiritual subjects. True angelic communication is powerful, peaceful, and can be life-changing. Let’s address four common fears about connecting with angels:

1. Aren’t Angels Demons in Disguise?

No, angels are beings of pure, radiant light and love. This fear comes from outdated, extreme religious beliefs, but it’s important to know that no dark being could ever disguise itself as an angel. Angels emit such a profound, loving, and peaceful energy that it would be impossible for any lower-vibration entity to mimic. When you connect with angels, you feel safe, uplifted, and deeply loved. Trust how you feel in their presence, true angelic encounters fill you with warmth, peace, and a sense of protection. Their presence repels the lower energies of fear and darkness. The idea that angels could be anything other than loving, light-filled beings is a projection of human fear rooted in ego, not reality.

2. Will I See Frightening Visions or Predict Upsetting Events?

No, angel communication is not about scary visions or predictions. Angels offer guidance that is prescriptive, not predictive. They help you avoid challenges and guide you toward your highest good on the most peaceful path. The spirit world of angels is filled with beauty, unmatched peace, and harmony, and when you learn to work with your angels and your intuition you learn ways to keep your mind and energy positive and highly attuned so you’re not influenced by negativity.(when taught properly by experienced and honest teachers).

3. Will Angels Take Away My Free Will?

Absolutely not! Angels honor your free will. They are here to guide, not control. Their guidance is always aligned with peace and your highest good, but you always have the freedom to choose your path. They will never push you into anything you don’t want to do or that doesn’t suit your character or unique likes and dislikes. You have ultimate responsibility over your choices.

4. Shouldn’t I Only Talk to God, Not Angels?

You can, of course, talk directly to God if that feels right for you. However, God sends angels as helpers, protectors, and messengers. Angels are divine beings who offer personalized guidance straight from the Source. There’s nothing to fear, they are here to assist you with love, light and miracles! Their guidance can be life saving and definitely life changing!

I hope this has helped ease any fears you may have had about angel communication. If you ever feel fearful, simply ask Archangel Michael, the divine protector, to lift those fears and show you the truth: angels are pure love, and it’s safe to connect with them.

If you’d like to learn more about communicating with angels, I invite you to join my Angel Communication Practitioner Program, where I’ll teach you how to connect with angels for guidance, healing, and protection.

You might also like to read my Book packed with stories of how the angels have created miracles and saved lives – My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

Having worked professionally for more than 2 decades Rachel is an expert in Angel communication and Psychic development who can help you to discover your guidance, ,develop your spiritual gifts, and connect with your angels so you can transform your life!



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