Your Angel Guidance for June 10th to 17th 2024

Angels, Video Reading

Here’s your weekly angel guidance from Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium. ✨This week the angels come through with vital guidance to stay calm and on track during the upcoming waves of energy and chaos.

You can watch the video below⬇️ or listen to the audio here. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter to get this in your inbox every Monday.

✨To reserve your spot for the Solstice Sacred Site Activation Click here

✨Get the Free Grounding Meditation here: ???? Cards #swordoflightoracle

✨Want more guidance from the angels? Book a private reading here

✨Read Rachel’s Book- My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here

Please comment below and let me know how this reading resonates for you! Angel Blessings Rachel x



Angel Communication Certification Program

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