Everything You Need to Know About The Lion’s Gate

Angel messages, Angels, Awakening, Spiritual Awakening

In this article you will learn all you need to know about the significance of the Lion’s Gate Alignment.

The Lion’s Gate is a planetary alignment and spiritual portal which occurs every year in Leo Season. The powerful energy of this celestial event begins around the 29th July and peaks on 8th August (8/8)  the energy from this alignment stays open to the 11th of August.

There are many reasons that this is such a spiritually significant event. (join our Zoom Lion’s Gate Activation on the day!)

The number 8 in angel numbers and numerology signifies unlimited abundance. A chance to connect your energy with the infinite nature of the Divine Universe & release anything that is holding you back.

Why the 2024 Lion’s Gate Portal is Significant

This year is uniquely powerful and significant as 2024 is an 8 year numerologically (2+0+2+4=8) This means that for the first time in a long time and for another 9 years the Lion’s Gate is a Portal falls on  8-8-8. The angelic number for Infinite Abundance.

We are seeing the new beginning of the new Mayan calendar, and many ancient (positive) prophecies coming to fruition this year. This is the Chinese year of the Dragon a powerful ancient symbol of light and transmutation.

The Lion’s Gate is a powerful alignment between the Sun, Sirius and Earth. As these planets position they create a gateway and activate and release a powerful stream of Divine and cosmic light to earth. This energetic gateway is opened by the Angels and Archangels and other spiritual guardians who oversee the flow of intensified Divine and healing light to Mother Earth and the Universe. We can sense a higher frequency of energy and light at this time.

This light has the power to shift and remove great amounts of heavy, dark, fear based energy and to nourish the Earth and its inhabitants with Spiritual sustenance.

So what does the Lion’s Gate this year mean for you?

  • The Divine light accelerates spiritual growth, the healing and release of old wounds, fears, and negative attachments including the blocks and powerlessness that can hold you back.
  • The Lion’s Gate alignment opens your inner vision to see what you most need to know. This can include what needs to be released, what your next steps should be, and what’s been lurking behind the scenes.
  • This huge letting go, along with new insights and guidance will make way for you to receive more blessings, abundance, joy, peace and healing.
  • This alignment brings extra high frequency and life-force energy to your body,  chakras and your whole energy system, washing away trapped negativity, aligning you with your highest good and bringing to light important guidance .
  • Intentions which you hold at this time are magnified, so it’s the perfect time to set goals, make intentions and manifest as you are being shifted to a new timeline that fits your highest good.
  • The wave of new abundance energy also makes it perfect timing to launch a business, start a new project, heal your body, increase your income.
  • Guides and Angelic beings are overseeing this shift.  Expect more angelic signs, angel clouds, orbs, and intense dreams bringing guidance. The veil is thinner and your psychic antennae is tuned in!
  • Your awareness will be increased, your third eye opened and you’ll see what you need to see. This is a good time to ask questions  like what is blocking me?  Where am I sabotaging myself? Where are my strengths? What is the truth of this situation? Or ask the Universe to give you an inspired idea, your book title, your business direction – a million dollar idea. 

Ultimately the Lion’s Gate floods the the whole planet with light boosting the collective vibe and dissolving cloud like layers of ego, negativity, corruption, and negative forces.

We will see change on the world stage- including a sense that some areas of corruption and fear are losing their power and ability to hide their true agendas. There may be tantrums!

We will notice a feeling of peace and unity – noticing more of a human compassionate face where before we’ve only been seeing the negative and harsh reflection of humanity.

The Ascension is a raising of consciousness on earth from fear, greed and ego to love, healing and harmony. The Lion’s Gate 2024 is a pivotal moment for shifting us to a higher place, through transformation, abundance and new beginnings.

We are all part of this ascension; we all feel it as increased sensitivity, psychic awakening, a call to discover and know our spiritual purpose, to treat ourselves better, to stop putting up with things that harm our soul and to create something meaningful with our lives.

Signs that You are Feeling the Effects

As we build up to the 8/8/2024 the energy becomes quite intense.

If you are feeling more tired than usual, restless or ready for a change you are likely responding to this coming event.

If you are energy aware you may be feeling symptoms of the powerful energy in your body, energy field, and emotions. This can include: headaches, muscle pains, feeling restless, anxiety, bloating, menstrual changes, sleep disturbances or sleeping long and deep!

You may feel more energy sensitive, and prefer to be alone or in nature to ground yourself. You may feel overwhelmed, stressed, or you may be noticing that people are more irritable or irritating! 🙂

Expect strong and vivid dreams, signs, downloads, realizations, and spiritual awakenings.

You may feel emotional as past experiences, unhealed or unprocessed situations rise up in your awareness to be healed and released.  Hydrate, be gentle with yourself, protect your energy daily, and avoid too much caffeine and other stimulants. Meditate when you can.

Hold a Vision of Hope

During the Lion’s Gate. the biggest gift you can offer is to hold a vision of hope for our planet and every living being upon it.  Visualise yourself and all others as happy, peaceful, healthy and prosperous.Send compassion to those who are acting in fear.

We are all about to enter a new phase!

Would you like to join me for a special Angelic Lion’s Gate Activation Event on Zoom to celebrate and work with these amazing energies? We will connect with the Angels and go to the Lion’s gate to receive healing and abundance. Join me on 8th August 2024 at 10am  AEST for this special online event.  The replay will be available with lifetime access. Book here The Lion’s Gate Portal Angel Activation 2024

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

A Professional Angel Medium & Healer for more than 20 years, Rachel is an expert in Angel Communication and Psychic development who can help you to discover your guidance, ,develop your spiritual gifts, and connect with your angels.

✨Sign up for the Lions Gate 999 Portal Activation 8-8-2024 guided by Rachel and the angels https://rachelscoltock.com/attunement/lions-gate-portal-angel-activation/

✨ Book a private reading with Rachel here

✨Read Rachel’s Book- My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here



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