Divine Magic Activation

with Archangels Raziel and Metatron

Live Zoom Workshop & Recording with Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium

Free for a limited time

Attune with Archangels Raziel and Metatron to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

In this powerful Archangel Attunement:

💜You will be guided on a magical, soul journey to meet Archangel Raziel (The angel of Divine Magic) and Archangel Metatron (Angel of Ascension) in the Higher Realms. You’ll receive an activation of the manifesting codes in your auric field. You will be cleared of obstacles and energetic resistence to success, abundance and love.

💜You will learn secrets to manifesting (which I’ve never shared before) to bypass negative energy and create exactly what you want and for your highest good.

💜You will learn how to work with Archangel Raziel and Archangel Metatron to bring about fast and positive manifestations and draw greater abundance to you.

💜You will receive a purification of your energy and be attuned to the vibrational field of Raziel and Metatron so you can call on their energy anytime

💜You will receive an activation of your Crown and Heart chakras to heighten your manifesting power & receive greater love and abundance.

💜You will be guided to receive personal guidance from both Archangels, because guidance is essential on the manifesting journey!

💜You’ll have a chance to start the manifesting process on your personal goals and dreams. I will also answer your questions.

💜🌟Bring your goals, dreams and desires to this session! The Archangel energy combined with the group vibe will be powerful and add extra potency to your intentions! 🌟

Your ticket to this event includes lifetime access to the recording after the live session is finished.

You are invited to bring your favorite lemurian or clear quarz crystals to the session to be attuned to these powerful Archangels if you wish.

🌟🌟🌈Bonus 28 day manifesting practice and Angel invocation prayer PDF🌈🌟🌟

Video Replay


$57 AUD 

Free to the Divine Portal Fortune Summit for a limited time

During this workshop you will:

  • Connect with the angels of abundance & clairvoyance and Archangel Raziel the Angel who governs manifesting via the  Laws of The Universe
  • You will personally release old poverty patterns to free you from the ties that bond you in lower frequencies
  • Activate your manifesting power to draw in your Highest Good
  • Receive guidance for your Lightworker Mission
  • Activate the manifesting laws within your energy. Make sure that you bring your favourite crystal!

the replay of this event will be emailed to you within an hour of signing up. 

Replay available

The Video replay of this event, including the Audio/ Video, PDF bonus manifesting practice and prayer are now available to purchase.

You will receive 2 emails with log in details and instructions to access this replay after you purchase.

Check your inbox and spam folders.

Once you’ve paid an email will land in your inbox with the joining instructions. Check spam and contact us if you cannot find it. A recording will be sent 24 hours after the event. Refunds are not available. Terms and conditions apply.

Reviews for Archangel Attunements

Your Archangel Attunement today was just brilliant. I got goosebumps as I could see what was happening before you said it! My hands and feet and scalp were seriously tingling ..your energy was just so strong and genuine. I am so grateful I feel I went through a big healing and a serious past life journey …It really makes sense to me..what I was shown and felt so protected by Archangel Micheal ..!!
– Jacqui B

Archangel Raphael Webinar, was amazing. I really appreciate it as I have recently felt drawn to Archangel Raphael and his healing power. This was a special webinar for me, I can’t thank you enough.
– Trevor

I can’t thank you enough for this Attunement Rachel!

I love that I can have the replay for myself to do it privately in my own vibration with the spirit realm, it works better for me if I’m honest with you than live.

This is helping me so much! All my gratitude

– Patricia

Thank you, Rachel. I watched the Attunement replay over the weekend, and it was a beautiful session as always.

Your monthly Attunement classes always brighten up my day! I really enjoyed the visualisation and manifestation part and have incorporated it into this morning’s meditation. Thank you.

– Shonagh

I participated in the Archangel Uriel Golden Light Attunement event and I wanted to say thank you!! It was amazingly therapeutic, intense and transformative. Thank You!!!
– Jennifer Z

I just wanted to say thankyou for today’s Archangel Attunement. I cried & felt really light & bright afterwards. I felt transformation and the transcendence of negativity during the Attunement Session.

Wow! Thanks for helping to clear & release the stuck energy within me,

– Sasha H