Emotional Healing Attunement

with Archangel Raphael and Healing Master Hilarion
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Emotional Healing with Archangel Raphael and Master Healing Guide Hilarion

Do you need deep emotional healing from the angels?

Have you felt stuck and unsure how to heal your situaton?

Are you seeking relief from illness, pain or heartache?

Are you ready to heal & release your blocks to abundance & love?

Yes? This event is for you.

During this 90 minuute Zoom session you will learn how to work with these supreme healing guides and connect with their guidance for you. You’ll be guided through a profoundly healing meditation with Angel Medium Rachel Scoltock

Whether you need healing OR you feel called to the role of a healer, then this class is a must.

This event coincides with a powerful cosmic moment- A solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde you will have an opportunity to release any situation- that creates blocks in your life. As you let go and open to healing, this will spark a new healed path for you.

Unhealed energies unconsciously close you down to the abundance, love and healing from the Universe.

In this session we will remove these blocks, heal the unhealed, and open the floodgates!

Replay Video and Audio



Full price $57 AUD (approx $38 USD)

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 During this highly spiritual and healing 90 minutes you will:

  • Receive healing energy for any area of your life that needs uplifting and repair.
  • Understand how to bring their healing power for yourself and others so you can heal physically, emotionally, and on all levels.
  • Visit Archangel Raphael and Hilarion’s Healing Temple to receive to remove all disease, disharmony, and blockages from within and around you.
  • Allow your heart and hand chakras to be activated to receive and supercharge your healing impact on others.
  • Unlimited access so you can listen to/watch the guided healing replay as often as you wish.

Recording of a live event

Stream the video or download to watch/ listen offline.


Once you’ve paid 2 emails will land in your inbox with the link to access this video and audio. Check spam and contact us if you cannot find it. Refunds are not available. Terms and conditions apply.

Reviews for Archangel Attunements

Thank you so much Rachel!

The Archangel Metatron Attunement was truly incredible! The energy was incredibly high, and I am so glad to have experienced that!

Such an incredible feeling when Metatron showed up… I literally thought I was on a spinning ride!

And the feeling of the cube when it hit my aura, was just unexplainable.

Thank you again! What an amazing experience!

– Amelia

I can’t thank you enough for this Attunement Rachel!

I love that I can have the replay for myself to do it privately in my own vibration with the spirit realm, it works better for me if I’m honest with you than live.

This is helping me so much! All my gratitude

– Patricia

I’ve never felt anything like today’s session. (The guardian angel solstice attunement) I saw colours, I felt incredibly light and free during and after.

Thank you!

– Melissa