Angelic Light Activation

To Magnetise Your Intentions for 2024

Recording of the Live Zoom Workshop and Guided Meditation plus Bonus Manifesting Secrets PDF with Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium

Purchase the Replay Now

Set Intentions and Release Blocks and Delays as You Activate Angelic light for 2024

Do you want to know exactly how to manifest what you want and need in 2024?

Are you ready to activate the higher energy within you so you can align with and manifest abundance?

Would you love to learn a powerful intention setting process with the angels to start 2024 as you mean to go on?

Are you excited to clear your path of obstacles, scarcity and past pain so you can receive what you want and need with ease?

We start the year with an exciting and powerful angelic event to connect with the Golden Angels of Light.

 You be shown step by step the manifesting process and then relax as you are guided on a deep soul journey to attune with the angels, release any lower vibrations that may be blocking your goals and receive a blessing and activation for you and your intentions.

You will feel lighter, clearer, more confident and tuned in after this class.

learn to energise your intentions, remove obstacles and receive guidance steps from the angels.

You will also receive a 13 page Manifesting Secrets PDF

In this 90 minute online class and guided meditation you will be shown exactly how to activate powerful magical intentions with the angels to ensure they come to fruition.

Purchase the Replay

$77 AUD

Currency conversion here

 During this class and guided meditation you will:

  • Attune with the Angels of the Golden Light and other Light Beings here to guide you
  • Be guided through a powerful guided healing meditation to receive an activation for your spiritual body and DNA, release your intentions to the Divine Source and activate your Higher Self energy,
  • Go through an angelic process, step by step, to set and activate your highest intentions for 2024 and receive messages and guidance.
  • You will receive recordings of the event including audio and video so you can listen to the guided healing as often as you wish.

Don’t worry if you cannot attend live, you’ll have lifetime access to the high vibrational recording and a separate audio file of the guided soul journey meditation

Rachel is the “real deal” when it comes to channeling the angels and sharing spiritual knowledge. I always judge a spiritual teacher by the way I feel during and after being in their presence. Rachel Scoltock provides the angel experiences that not only wow you in the moment, but also make a positive healing difference to your life. I can’t recommend her work enough. Thank you for providing these monthly angel interactions.

– Emily


Friday 12 January, 2024, 10:00am – 11.30am
(Sydney, Australia time AEDT)

Via Zoom & Replay sent afterwards.

These events are planned to maximise convenient times for audiences in Australia and internationally. Please check the event time in your local timezone using the Timezone Conversion calculator

If the timing is not convenient for you, please remember tha you will be sent a recording to watch/listen to in your own time.

Once you’ve paid an email will land in your inbox with the joining instructions. Check spam and contact us if you cannot find it.Refunds are not available. Terms and conditions apply.

Rachel Scoltock is a renowned angel medium, spiritual teacher and author with over 2 decades of professional experience.

Passionate about guiding souls on their spiritual journey, Rachel stands out as a beacon of authenticity in a world saturated with spiritual noise. Rachel is dedicated to helping individuals to find clarity , purpose and a deeper spiritual connection.

Rachel’s personal journey and profound experiences with the angelic realm maker her a sought after guide for those seeking genuine spiritual enlightenment

Read the Reviews:

Your Archangel Attunement today was just brilliant. I got goosebumps as I could see what was happening before you said  it! My hands and feet and scalp were seriously tingling ..your energy was just so strong and genuine. I am so grateful I feel I went through a big healing  and a serious past life journey …It really makes sense to me..what I was shown and felt so protected by Archangel Micheal ..!!

– Melissa

Rachel is the “real deal” when it comes to channeling the angels and sharing spiritual knowledge. I always judge a spiritual teacher by the way I feel during and after being in their presence. Rachel Scoltock provides the angel experiences that not only wow you in the moment, but also make a positive healing difference to your life. I can’t recommend her work enough. Thank you for providing these monthly angel interactions.

– Emily

Your monthly Attunement classes always brighten up my day! I really enjoyed the visualization and manifestation part and have incorporated it into this morning’s meditation. Thank you

– Shonagh

The Archangel Raphael Webinar, was amazing. I really appreciate it as I have recently felt drawn to Archangel Raphael and his healing power. This was a special webinar for me, I can’t thank you enough.

– Trevor

I can’t thank you enough for this Attunement Rachel!

I love that I can have the replay for myself to do it privately in my own vibration with the spirit realm, it works better for me if I’m honest with you than live.

This is helping me so much! All my gratitude

– Patricia

 I just wanted to say thankyou for today’s Archangel Attunement. I cried &  felt really light & bright afterwards. I felt transformation and the transcendence of negativity during the Attunement Session. Wow! Thanks for helping to clear & release the stuck energy within me.

– Sasha

This Angel Attunement was incredible and you are incredible! Thank you so much for sharing,  so spot on for me , it’s helping me so much. 

– Emma

I participated in the Archangel Uriel  Golden Light Attunement event and I wanted to say thank you!! It was amazingly therapeutic, intense and transformative. Thank You!!!

– Jennifer

That blew my mind. I released so much. I loved the part when we met the guide at a sacred site.

– Sue