This week’s Angel Reading for Monday 12th June til 19th June, this week the angel’s have a clear message and a healing for you.


Last week’s video reading is about staying centred in the midst of a storm




I love this week’s cards, wow, two from Denise Linn’s Native Spirit Deck, totally appropriate for the upcoming trip and workshop out at the sacred Uluru Ayers Rock! And… an angel card, all giving you the message to look deeper this week, gifts are around you, but you may miss them, get grateful, pay attention to your intuition and ask Spirit for help. Your angels are there always! xx angel blessings and if you want a reading go to my website or drop me a line

Last weeks reading is all about doors opening and doors closing

last weeks reading

You just need to calm your mind and let go a bit so the stuck energy can flow again. The angels are near to cleanse your energy so you can rise above problems. As soon as you can do this the better because the big change is coming xx



Join me for an extra special two day workshop at Uluru Ayers Rock Resort on May 20th and 21st. This two day angel connection class includes Connecting deeply to your spirit and soul, releasing limitation and fear Angel Card Reading, channeling the angels, and deep meditations for healing and release to connect you to the sacred energy of the surrounding area.

Uluru is the spiritual centre of Australia and also a chakra centre of the world, an energy vortex there increases your intuitive psychic energy and awareness, it opens and awakens you to your true path. I chose to run my first ever angel course there under guidance from my angels.

Tix from $595 for two days. Go here to find out more.

to book a personal session or reading with me go to the services tab or home page or send me an email x I will read for you anywhere in the world.

Sign up  to receive my video reading to your inbox each week as part of my my newsletter plus two  free deeply healing Angel meditations by going to the banner at the top of this page…

I feel and see the angels in the room with me as I record these video readings and when I do the mp3 readings for clients. Many of my followers on fb, instagram and newsletter are reporting a stronger angel connection and are receiving confirmation in these readings of their own guidance?


I realized even though I was nervous about starting these videos, that the angels wanted me to reach more people in more ways on their behalf, I have always said that I am just their PR girl! They do all the great work and I am a channel, a willing and grateful vessel for the love and peace they send to you.

I am grateful that I listened to my angels, my higher self and my guidance rather than my ego because these readings have introduced me to so many new people and have provided a wonderful channel for more people to access the Angels and the miracles, healing and protection that they offer us all.

Please know that no matter WHAT you are going through or what is going on in the world, angels are there beside you. They are there , please ask for their help and use the power of love inside you to pray for yourself and others, and the world. Prayer is so powerful, your prayers matter, and your angels love you unconditionally.

Angel blessings Rachel Scoltock xx


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