The Sacred Connection Between Ancient Sites

Angel messages, Angels, Spiritual Awakening

In this article Angel Medium Rachel Scoltock walks you into a 6,000 year old sacred site, discusses the mysterious link between  Sacred Sites around the world and why you may be feeling called to connect with them right now!

Sacred sites have been recognized as power places for millennia. The energy is always extremely pure, peaceful, and magnified. I always feel electric and vital, as if a fog has lifted when I spend time at such places.

The Guardian Of the Dolmen

During my recent trip to Jersey (Channel islands, UK), I visited an ancient sacred site consisting of standing stones called a Dolmen (or Pouquelaye.) This particular site is nestled on a hill very close to where I was born and raised and where my mum still lives. Picture below.

As I walked towards the 6,000 year old standing stones, my busy mind became still, and I heard the words, “Approach with respect and give thanks.” Everything around me was still and silent. I requested angelic protection and  asked the guardians of the place for permission to enter the stone circle. I felt a soft breeze swirl and wrap around me as I sat on a small lichen-covered stone at the entryway. Then, I invoked the angels of the four directions, and after each line of the prayer, the breeze returned, seeming to come from a different direction each time. I closed my eyes, feeling a presence, the guardian of the place.

It’s very easy to meditate and connect to Spirit in such places. The veil between Spirit and Earth is thinner, the energy of Earth is concentrated in these spots. If you’re sensitive to energy you can feel the flow of earth energy pulsing through your body.

Something else happened at the Dolmen: I decided to record my weekly video message from the angels. During the reading, I heard footsteps and felt a presence walk into the circle behind me. Convinced I was about to be disturbed by a local dog walker, I turned, but no one was there! Watch the video here to see if you, like many others who emailed me, can sense the large presence of the spirit visitor. (Who do you think it is? Comment below!)

Sacred Uluru, Australia

For the last nine years, I’ve held an annual retreat at a major sacred site in Australia. Uluru is on Anangu traditional land in the red centre of Australia. Uluru is a very sacred place and continuous home to the Anangu for over 60, 000 years.

It’s a huge power center filled with presence and magic. It’s incredible to be in the magnetic presence of this ancient monolith, over 800 million years old, protruding out of the desert, it’s many caves are painted with the art of the Anangu ancestors whose continuing culture out dates any on Earth. It’s incredible privilege to be there and to hear the stories from Anangu themselves.

Uluru calls to you. If you feel drawn to go there, it’s for a reason!

I’ve spent a lot time there over the last 20 years and it feels familiar to me. I visit when I feel called, to recharge in it’s palpable energy field, receive guidance, give thanks, and, of course, bring others there for spiritual retreat, connection, and healing.

Something powerful happens at Uluru when you treat the place and its people with respect and reverence. When you drop down to your soul and just listen you will be given what you need.

I’ve witnessed incredible miracles, including the spiritual awakening and healing of retreat guests.  I’ve seen the inexplicable and had some life changing experiences. I feel a deep connection while also acknowledging that it belongs to, and is the home of the traditional owners who maintain its power and energy through their ancient and continuing culture, knowledge and practices.

The Link Between All Sacred Sites

Whenever I visit sacred sites in other places, something strange occurs. I meditate, and find myself transported to Uluru. I see it, hear the unique sounds, and smell the desert air. At Stonehenge, I was convinced I would open my eyes and see Uluru in front of me. I had a foot in each place. This shows me that these places are deeply connected and carry the same energy and power throughout the planet.

The energy here feels nourishing, healing, vital to our survival and the survival of the Earth herself. The ancient knowledge which maintained these power places and kept them safe and clean has been forgotten in some places through time and the imposition of colonization, industrialisation and tourism, and religion.

We are extremely lucky that Australia’s indigenous traditional owners still hold their knowledge, language and practices to nurture and maintain their sacred places and the land. I sense that their laws and practices are potentially keeping ALL of earth’s sacred sites alive and active and this is why I feel and see Uluru at almost every Sacred Site I visit.

Activating the Energy of Sacred Sites

The energy activation for these sites is not only needed for the well being of Mother Earth and OUR connection to the Divine and ourselves, we need it too! We are in danger of losing our Spiritual and energetic connection with Earth and with that comes consequences in mental and physical health, pollution, climate change, division, and materialism (EGO) gone mad.

These are places where Earth and Spirit blend and show us how linked they/we are. Our guides and the guardians can speak to us more loudly. We remember our path and purpose  and who we really are. It is here that we can recharge our soul energy and it is here we are often asked to send energy to Mother Earth through these sacred ancient portals.

We must all remember not only to take energy from these places but also to give back, respect the space and the local culture, speak in low voices, act with reverence, leave nothing but our footprints and take only photos, while removing any rubbish.

How You Can Connect with Sacred Sites

Sacred sites are all over the world, some famous, some hidden.You can connect with them energetically even if you can’t travel there. Like many lightworkers, I am asked by my guides, the earthly guardians and our angels to regularly send energy to Mother Earth via these places. Are you feeling called to do the same?

I am guided to hold a special channeled event: The Sacred Site Activation with the Angels on the June Solstice– This date is a Portal where new Divine energy will be streaming to Earth. This is an opportunity for personal and earthly healing. During this Zoom event we will work with the angels to connect with Sacred sites, receive messages, channel energy from the angels.. This will not only recharge the earth energy and bring harmony, peace, and healing it will also activate your purpose and bring healing and guidance to you!

It doesn’t matter where you go in nature—treating it as a sacred site and sending high vibrational energy to the earth will elevate and recharge the energy.

Because you are sacred too!

Rachel Scoltock

Join me for the Angelic Sacred Site Activation for the Solstice June 21st on Zoom: Angelic Sacred Site Activation Book here

Want to read about Rachel’s story of how the Angels came into her life and learn how to access the Angels wisdom and guidance for yourself? Rachel’s Book Here

Rachel Scoltock, Angel Medium, and expert in angelic communication. With over 22 years of professional experience, Rachel is a highly respected psychic, energy healer, teacher and author known for her integrity and professionalism in the spiritual community.




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