Have you Experienced a Cledon?

Have you Experienced a Cledon?

Have you ever experienced Cledonomancy? A cledon is  a clear, spiritual message delivered from another person or source. The Universe and the angels use many means to get their messages delivered. For example: ⭐You overhear a snippet of conversation which gives you an...
The Angels Know The Way!

The Angels Know The Way!

Read below or listen to the audio of this blog article here (3min.50): I want to share something amazing that happened for me recently. I was invited to Sydney to present a Connect with your Angels workshop (I will be there on August 3rd (if you’d like to join...
How To Tell If Your Guidance Is Real Or False

How To Tell If Your Guidance Is Real Or False

Have you ever wondered whether you can trust your guidance and if the signs you see are real? 9 times out of 10 your signs mean exactly what you think they mean and your guidance is 100% trustworthy. Your intuition is always the first thought that arises. It’s...
Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Is it time to start trusting Divine Orchestration & the power of synchronicity to help make your dreams come true? We so often get caught up in HOW our desires are going to work out. Worrying about how can make you feel as if what you want isn’t going to...

Access the Power of Synchronicity

Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. Albert Einstein I do not believe that coincidence and synchronicity are random accidents. I know that they are evidence that we are supported and loved by the Angels and the Divine. When you say a sincere prayer...