How to Invoke an Angel

How to Invoke an Angel

Every month I run a Q and A on Instagram stories about the angels and archangels. One question I am asked all the time is how to invoke their presence. To invoke means to summon or invite, and it is true that to call  angels and archangels to assist you, you must...
Use Your Spiritual Power

Use Your Spiritual Power

I have always known that the future is not written in stone. Which is why my readings are prescriptive with guidance rather than predictive. We constantly create our world through our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and decisions. There is great power in this, much more...

An Angel Message For This Moment

Dear friend,  I am sending you oodles of Divine Love and Support.  Isn’t it amazing how much can change in a week? The headlines, the cancellations, the “what if”s” are exhausting and it feels unreal at times. My Angels are asking that we shift...