What To Do If You Receive Negative Guidance

Affirmations, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality

Learn what to do if you receive false or negative guidance from a psychic or even your own readings.

The angels have brought many clients to my door who needed healing from some harmful, ego based information that an unethical psychic, healer or guru had given them.

One young woman was told by a psychic that she’d fail at all her dreams. This left her immobilized with depression until she had an angel reading and she learned that guidance was rubbish.

Another lady was told by a “healer” that she was blocked and her chakras needed clearing. He proceeded to press toothpicks into her skin leaving horrible bruises.

An intuitive client had scared himself into believing he was suffering a dreadful illness. His angel reading and his doctor revealed it wasn’t true. He was relieved to learn that his ego had interfered with his intuition.

Cases like these deepen my wish that everyone would learn to truly listen to their inner voice.

With some simple insights and training these people would have had the knowledge and confidence to recognise that these damaging negative ideas were NOT true spiritual guidance.

So how do you discern real guidance from ego?

 False ego based teachings & readings are easy to spot:

🌺Ego readings are negative, sensational & predict scary outcomes.

🌺They lack guidance as to how to avoid or overcome problems and predictions.

🌺Ego based spiritualists will put you and others down to make themselves superior

🌺You feel anxiety or discomfort.

🌺You feel worse after

🌺Ultimately they do not help you in your life

🌺The negative message doesn’t make reasonable sense.

A great question to ask is: Is this information for my highest good?

As Dr Wayne Dyer said ” No one knows enough to be a pessimist!” So you don’t have to accept any negative predictions about yourself from anyone (including yourself!)

How to recognise true guidance and information

All genuine spiritual teachings, guidance and messages are loving and peaceful. It should always mirror your own gut feelings.

Even you receive some information which is hard to hear, you will feel a calm knowing.

True spiritual direction gives you a positive, wise perspective. It should empower you and enhance your life and ultimately help you to heal and release blocks as you move forward.

What to do if you received a negative reading:

Work with your angels to clear your energy: Go to my Angel Library to find a meditation to help with that

Take back your power by asking Archangel Michael to sever your cords with the experience, the fearful idea and the person who gave it to you.

Ask the angels to seal and protect your energy.

Get rid of any physical or virtual connection to the psychic or teacher such as audio recordings, emails, messages and business cards.

Seek out ethical readers who come with good references and who work with high spiritual beings as guides.


My advice is to work with your angels to guide you to ethical therapists, teachers and psychics.

Learn how to tap into your own intuition & tune into your angels for guidance so you can be your own psychic! Angels are the most powerful, safe and protective guides. Their very presence deters lower energies.

Divine Love is way more powerful than any negative energy.

In my upcoming program Awaken Your Soul Gifts you will receive training to understand, develop and trust your inner voice. You will learn how to discern between false and true intuitive guidance in your personal readings and intuition. Learn what is your ego fear mind and what is real guidance. You will go through intensive clearing and healing to release negative experiences, fears and beliefs which block your intuitive channels.

You will discover how to receive clear detailed messages and guidance using tools and techniques that you can use at anytime.

Awaken Your Soul Gifts starts on October 5th 2021. Go here to find out more.

Angel Blessings Rachel Scoltock x


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