Hello welcome to this week’s newsletter.
Do you ever feel as if you are trapped under a blanket of stress , overwhelm and negative energy? Or that feeling when things just keep going wrong and you do not know why, you just sense something is “off”?
I have learned that those feelings mean that it is time for a deep energy cleanse with the Angels.
I have lots of effective energy clearing methods and this week I am sharing two that will help you to get clear, positive and back on track!

Last Wednesday evening I presented my monthly meditation at the gorgeous Divine Soul Centre at Nambucca Heads, the shop is packed with amazing and small and huge crystals among other beautiful things. This place has wonderful energy and is one of my favorite places to meditate and cleanse ( and shop 🙂 !).After my trip away I was excited and ready to do a big energy clearing with the angels.

I always ask the angels what they would like me to teach and work with and this time Archangel Michael asked me to channel his Blue Light meditation. The Blue Light is an incredibly powerful energy bath that can be used to purify and remove very stubborn low energies from people and buildings. I was taught to use this light many years ago to disconnect and detach from the effects of ego and to remove fear and darkness from people and buildings. If you feel there is heavy energy around you, then call on Archangel Michael and this powerful healing light to surround and clear you. The light cocoons you for a few moments and acts like a vacuum drawing off the layers of fear.

I  have never taught this method before and I asked for the angels to support me and give me signs I was on track.

Earlier in the day I was working on the final draft of my new book, (My Life With Angels out soon) and I had my ipod on shuffle in the background. I noticed that a certain track kept playing repeatedly. I was confused as not only had I rarely heard that track, but as I have over 500 songs, why was that particular song replaying? I was focused on my book so I did not investigate further.

That evening the guided meditation session was very powerful, as Archangel Michael bathed each person in the electric blue light, Purifying their energy and lifting their consciousness. Before the session ended I made sure everyone was grounded as this light energy can take you out of your body. We all agreed it was an intense healing and everyone felt clearer and lighter.

On the way home I switched on my music and there it was again, the track I had been hearing all day. Then it hit me… the track was a poem called “Blue Lights” by Troy Cassar Daley!

Angels are always with us, as incredible energy healers they can remove unhealthy vibes, they guide us on our path, they point out what to avoid and what to say yes too and best of all…. they send us signs and guidance along the way!

Your angel message:
We request that you remember to regularly protect and cleanse your energy. you are constantly gathering and absorbing energies in your interactions, thoughts and dream travels, in past times people knew how to protect themselves against stray thought forms and lower intrusions. Yet until recently this knowledge was buried and forgotten. Call upon us your angels when you or your loved ones feel overwhelmed, burdened or disturbed in mind, body or spirit. ask us to specifically remove from you intrusive and inharmonious energies that interfere with inner peace and bodily health. We can instantly and safely remove these obstructions. We may also may guide you how to avoid and deflect harmful vibrations so you can remain in a state of peaceful love. We are here to help and heal you in all ways, we are your healers, protectors and guides.
Channeled 24/4/2017 by Rachel Scoltock

My Next Meditation and Energy Clearing session with the Angels is at the Divine Soul Centre Nambucca Heads: Wednesday 17th May at 6pm,- 7.15pm   $20 on the door, all are welcome.

ANGEL REIKI TRAINING- Saturday May 12th at Arakoon, South West Rocks Level one / Two Training from $290 Per person, certified. Enquire rachel@rachelscoltock.com Payment plan available. Space limited.

HALF HOUR READINGS ARE On Special this week contact me on rachel@rachelscoltock.com with the subject half hour newsletter discount. to attract the special offer.

Thank you with love and Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock xx
Angel Medium
Intuitive Energy Therapist
Author and Teacher
Contact: rachel@rachelscoltock.com
Mobile: 0434243984
Book a detailed distance reading or a powerful Healing session with Rachel At rachelscoltock.com or send me a message https://rachelscoltock.com/contact/


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