How to Trust Your Intuition and Make Decisions Aligned with Your Highest Good
In a world full of external noise, advice, and opinions, it can be difficult to trust yourself and know what’s truly meant for you. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about what we should be doing, what’s expected of us, and all the reasons we should be fearful of change. But deep within each of us is a much quieter, wiser voice—the voice of our intuition, always guiding us toward our highest good.
So how do we know the difference between this inner guidance and the fear-driven, egoic mind that often tries to take control?
The Ego vs. Your Intuition: Knowing the Difference
Your ego mind operates from a place of fear, constantly shouting what you should do or what you need to worry about. It thrives on limitations, comparisons, and external validation. It also comes up with random, get rich quick, fast fixes, ego stroking ideas and looks for easy ways out. The ego is concerned with survival, control, and fitting in with societal expectations. It can lead us down paths that are safe but unfulfilling, familiar but draining, or false illusions and quick fixes that take us longer to recover from than doing the work would have done.
On the other hand, your intuition comes from a place of love, truth, and alignment with your soul. It speaks softly, with a sense of calm and clarity. Your intuition is connected to your highest good, and it gently nudges you toward choices that serve your true purpose and bring you joy and peace, even if they challenge your comfort zone and seem illogical at the time.
Turning Down the Volume on Fear and Ego
One of the biggest challenges to hearing your intuition is the overpowering noise of the ego mind. The ego is loud, persistent, and can easily drown out the subtler voice of your intuition if you allow it.
To strengthen your intuitive abilities, you must first quiet the ego mind. This involves releasing the fears, limiting beliefs, and external influences that cloud your judgment. Energy-clearing practices and meditations are powerful tools to help clear these blocks and create space for your intuition to be heard.
Here are a few key steps to help you quiet the ego and turn up the volume on your intuition:
- Energy Clearing for Fear: Fear creates energetic blocks that prevent your intuition from flowing freely. Regularly clearing these blocks through energy work helps you release the dense energies of worry, doubt, and anxiety. I hold monthly attunements and activations for deep energy clearing and you can go to my angel library for angelic clearing meditations
- Releasing Limiting Beliefs: The ego thrives on outdated and limiting beliefs, like “I’m not good enough,” or “What if I fail?” These beliefs come from past experiences or external expectations or past lives! Releasing them through spiritual practices allows you to create space for new, supportive beliefs aligned with your highest self. Use journaling, write to your angels and ask for help identifying and releasing these unhealthy beliefs. (read more here about past lives)
- Meditation: One of the best ways to quiet the mind is through meditation. Regular meditation helps to still the constant chatter of the ego and brings you into a state of calm where you can hear your intuitive guidance more clearly. Use a guided meditation from my free angel library
- Psychic Development Exercises: Exercises that focus on enhancing your intuition—such as activating your third eye, asking your angels for more intuitive signs, practicing intuitive angel card readings, or using a pendulum—are wonderful tools to help you distinguish your true intuitive voice from the ego mind. I have many classes on these subjects. You can also practice tuning into your aura each morning to see what is coming up. See who or what pops into your awareness and don’t be surprised if you hear from those you thought of, or you encounter a situation matching your inner wisdom.
- Learning the characteristics of ego, false guidance versus true, intuitive (and angel) guidance. Go here to learn these traits.
Trusting Yourself and Your Angels
Once you start to regularly tune into your intuition and learn to recognize its voice and how it communicates, something magical happens. You begin to trust yourself more. You start to notice that your intuitive nudges lead you to exactly where you need to be. You build confidence in your ability to make decisions based on inner guidance rather than fear, and this trust grows over time.
When you trust your intuition, you’re also opening up to hear from the angels who are always guiding and supporting you. Your angels are constantly sending you signs, messages, and guidance through your intuitive senses, but the ego and fears can drown them out. By developing your intuition and quieting your fears, you create space for the angels’ guidance to become clearer and more frequent in your life. Your angels are amazing healers and will help you to open your intuitive senses even more, if you ask. They can remove your blocks, give you louder, clearer signs and guidance which will enable you to receive!
When Life Changes and Your Path Becomes Clear
I’ve seen time and again with my students and clients: when they commit to strengthening their intuition, connecting with the angels for their guidance, and releasing blocks, they experience profound shifts. As they let go of the doubts, clutter, and “shoulds” of the ego mind, their lives open up in ways they never imagined.With the angels help, their paths become clearer, decisions feel lighter, and they begin to align with their true purpose.
This transformation is available to you, too. It’s about making a conscious choice to trust yourself, your intuition, and your angels.
Are You Ready to Activate Your Intuition through Working with the Angels?
If you’re ready to take the next step and expand your intuitive abilities, I invite you to join me at one of my events or courses for psychic development:
💚🪽Activate Your Spiritual Vision with Archangel Raphael. In this online class, we’ll work together to clear the fears and doubts that block your intuition, and I’ll guide you through powerful practices to strengthen your connection with your inner guidance and angels. This includes a deeply healing guided angelic meditation to clear your third eye and open your energy for more intuitive guidance Click here to learn more
😇🪽Angel Communication Practitioner Training Unlock your spiritual gifts and transform your life with the Angel Communication Practitioner Program. Whether you’re looking to grow a spiritual business or deepen your personal connection with the angels, this program offers you everything you need. Join me for 4 months of live classes, personal support, and a pre-recorded course packed with hands-on angel communication techniques. Enrollment opens soon, and with limited spots available, now is the perfect time to take the next step toward your divine purpose. Don’t miss this opportunity to develop your skills and share your light with the world! Click here to learn more
✨🪽Join my monthly Angel Attunements, Activations and Psychic development classes you can join them all for a discount or come to individual zoom classes: Go here for past recordings or upcoming live Zoom events
And remember, your intuition is always there, quietly guiding you toward your highest good. All you need to do is listen.
With angel blessings,
Rachel Scoltock
Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author
Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium and Spiritual Teacher who has been sharing the angels messages and healing for more than 20 years. She can help you to connect with your angels, and tap into your intuition so you can receive the messages of healing, wisdom, and love waiting for you.
Read Rachel’s Book- Loving Your Sensitive Self: A Guide to Protecting and Managing Your Energy here