Eventually you will come to understand that Love heals everything, and Love is all there is.

Gary Zukav

I am a bit excited, I used energy therapy to fix my printer this morning, it has not worked in more than two weeks, no matter what I did –  Yesterday I was cleansing my home using sage and other methods, and I cleared the printer and then placed a clear quartz crystal on it. It worked!

I knew deep down that my printer was influenced by some heavy negative energy I had allowed into my life. Once it is in, low energy has to be cleared before things can return to normal.

This is an energy based world- everything is made of energy- which is why energy therapy works so well on every life area including your material life.

Dark energy is low frequency and heavy, by it’s nature  it blocks, hinders and limits, it creates disharmony, di-sease and dams up the flow of good things into your life and breaks printers!  When you are infected with dark energy (from within or outside) it feels like everything is going wrong, you feel blocked, broke, held back, worn out, emotional, unwell, little accidents happen, nothing works!

If that is not bad enough negative energy affects your ability to manifest and attract money, healing and love. Nothing good can get to you because you are surrounded by lower repelling vibes.

Releasing the darker lower energies from within and around you will transform your life, often immediately and start the flow of healing and abundance again.

When you apply high frequency light energy  to anything that is out of balance it clears away the lower interference because dark can’t co exist with light.

The highest frequency of all light energy is Divine Love- the stuff angels are made of. Divine Love is accessible to everyone, though few access it. Prayer & Reiki are just two ways you can invoke it.  Divine Love automatically restores abundance, it creates healing, it changes and transforms you from the inside out.
This months video reading shows you how to use Divine Love to heal anything.

Want to get your life back on track and feel positive again? Call me for a Guidance/ Healing Session: Energy is not restricted by time or space which is why you can receive the full benefits of Divine Love via Reiki and Angel Therapy by phone or Skype or a recorded Mp3. In person sessions are also available.

Book here: https://rachelscoltock.com/services/


Want to attract more prosperity? Join me for this
Online Attract your Abundance Meditation and class THIS Tuesday 24th March at 7.30pm- 8.30 pm– :A deep clearing meditation to attract the material support and money that you want and need $18 Book here
It is so easy to join this class, you just pay and register and then log in on the night using a simple URL, then sit back and listen, its like radio via your computer or phone. PS this class is now only $12 AUD use code 444 for the discount!

Meditation at South West Rocks CWA HALL Thursday 26th at 6pm– 7pm Intuition and higher awareness- create a bridge to the beyond to meet your guides and angels. $20 – All are welcome, this is a very informal and welcoming circle. Everyone receives a free angel card. Please note the new venue!

Reiki 1 & 2 Workshop Saturday 2nd May 2015 at South West Rocks, CWA Hall South West Rocks
$270 per person for both levels in one day.  I love teaching Reiki, it is always a special day, Learn the basics of energy healing, psychic protection, the Reiki principles and how to apply healing to  yourself and others: feel the energy pouring through your hands.New students and experienced healers are welcome, we cover everything, including psychic protection and hands on practice. Payment plan is available. Booking deposit required.

My past students can attend at a much lower price. This Reiki Healing Class  is a wonderful experience in itself and many students experience visions and messages during the attunement ceremony. Book here Payment plans available

Angel blessings for a Divine week!
Love Rachel x



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