Finding The Confidence to Give Angel Readings

Angel messages, Angels, Spiritual Awakening

Would you like to have the confidence to give angel readings to yourself and others?

Do you feel a deep connection with your angels and a desire to heal and guide others, but find yourself holding back due to a lack of confidence? You’re not alone. Many spiritual souls face this dilemma, but the good news is that overcoming these fears is entirely possible!

As an angel medium and Angel Communication Practitioner trainer, I’ve seen countless spiritually gifted people with the potential to make a significant impact on the world giving angel readings to others. But, their doubts and fears often hold them back!

I understand this struggle well, as I experienced similar doubts when I first started my journey as an Angel Medium. I am so happy that I was able to overcome my fears because it’s meant that I was able to follow my passion with meaningful work,  passing on the angel’s messages and healing to so many beautiful people over the last 2 decades!

I don’t want you to hold yourself back a moment longer. You deserve to follow your passion and create a meaningful career working with the angels to guide and heal others! The world needs your light and love, now more than ever

Everyone who has ever done anything significant and good, has experienced doubts in some form or another. However, you can overcome these fears and create a beautiful life for yourself while healing and helping others!

Here are some tips to help you gain the confidence to give angel readings and move forward with your dreams:

1. Learn the Difference Between True Intuitive Guidance and False Guidance.

Many psychic and intuitive people worry about making mistakes in their angel readings and letting their clients down. This steals their confidence completely so they don’t want to take the risk!  When you learn to tell the difference between your ego and true guidance, you will turn up the volume on your angels and intuition, and lower the volume of your ego fear mind. This means you’ll clearly hear and tap into your angels’ guidance. Trusting your intuition is key to delivering accurate and helpful readings.

2. Discover How to Safely Open Your Psychic Senses.

I teach an effective method to enhance and expand your psychic abilities and intentionally tune into the angelic realm.  This cuts out any “noise” and mental chatter. When you give yourself and others angel readings using these methods you will be amazed at how clear your messages become. Learning how to link into the angels and your clients ensures you receive strong, loud, trustworthy messages. This professional approach along with a good energy protection process builds confidence in your abilities.

3. Release and Let Go of Your Fears and Unhealthy Beliefs.

Fear is the kryptonite of psychic connection. When you let go of your fears and release intuitive blocks, your abilities will expand, and your confidence will grow in your angel readings. You will see, hear, sense and know the angels’ messages for you and your clients with clarity and a deep sense of knowing.  I always include deep healing  sessions in my Angel Communication Practitioner training to release ALL the negative energy that holds you back.

4. Learn Everything You Can About Angels and Communicating with them.

Angels have some very specific ways of communicating their messages to those who are open. They will use your strengths to make sure you get the message! Understanding exactly how angels communicate with you and building a strong bond with them is crucial. This knowledge deepens your connection and enhances your ability to accurately and confidently give angel readings to others.(And yourself!)

🔮✨Keep practicing! When you practice your angel card readings, you build confidence. Don’t give up even if you feel doubt.

5. Remember That Big Fear = Big Life Purpose!

As a Lightworker you feel called to shine your light and share your gifts with the world, but it can be intimidating to figure out HOW it will all work out. You can procrastinate endlessly – with the feeling that you aren’t ready!

Your angels are with you every step of the way, guiding you to fulfil your purpose in a way that fits you and your personal needs. It need not be complicated. They don’t abandon you once you start training or begin a business. They guide you at a deeper level!

Everyone has some anxiety when they start out giving professional angel readings. It feels nerve wracking because it’s so meaningful and out of your comfort zone. You want to do a great job!  There are some easy ways to overcome that fear and focus on giving rather than fears and what people think of you.

In my course I give you professional tips, along with plenty of opportunity to practice to overcome these nerves, as well as spiritual business training with the right steps to take so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling excited.

If I can do it, so can you!

Your doubts and fears are signs that you ARE on the right track. Embrace them as indicators of your significant life purpose and keep going!  By committing to your path and taking the right steps, you will diminish these fears and find the confidence you need.

The Angel Communication Practitioner program, opening soon, is designed to provide you with the professional skills and confidence to become a successful angel practitioner. Join the waitlist and learn more about this comprehensive training program that will empower you to step into your purpose and make a difference in the world.

Remember, your dream is not just a dream; it’s your purpose. Embrace it with confidence and let your light shine!

Angel Blessings,

Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author

✨Become An Angel Communication Practitioner learn to confidently give angel readings for yourself and others. Find out more here

✨Sign up for the upcoming Angel Divination Workshop on Zoom. Connect with your guardian angel and learn to use a crystal pendulum to get answers Book your Spot Here

✨Want more personal guidance from the angels? Book a private reading here

✨Read Rachel’s Book- My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here


Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

Having worked professionally for more than 2 decades Rachel is an expert in Angel communication and Psychic development who can help you to develop your spiritual gifts, communicate with your angels, find your guidance, and fulfil your purpose.

Rachel has trained many Angel Communication Practitioners and helped them to build successful spiritual businesses. Join the Angel Communication Practitioner Program here or get in touch for more information.


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