Divine Prayer and Vow for Abundance

Abundance, Affirmations, Angel messages, Angel Signs, Archangels, Awakening

The world can seem scary the moment. There are messages of fear coming from media and other sources which can affect your vibration and put you into a mindset of anxiety about everything, particularly your ability to create and receive abundance!  Two of humanity’s biggest fears are about losing health and not having enough abundance work/ clients/ business/ or money to keep going.

To stop yourself from manifesting that which you fear, you need to take steps to protect your energy and overcome the lower frequencies that are screaming negative ideas at you and putting you into fear.

Your financial wellbeing as well as every other part of your life have nothing to do with external forces unless you BELIEVE that it does. These fear beliefs can be very convincing and disconnect you from the divine wisdom within. The Fear energy eats away at your well being, cutting holes your aura and blocking the divine flow of abundance.

This prayer for abundance is the perfect way to reconnect, clear your energy and activate (and maintain) abundance in your life no matter what is going on in the world. Use it regularly to invoke Divine Assistance, to heal and release negative patterns and beliefs and to magnetise abundance, love and raise your vibration. It’s a mantra, a prayer and a declaration. Saying it aloud and silently will shift your energy and help you to let go of fear and limitation of all kinds.

 Print out the prayer and recite it regularly to create the inner changes to allow your outer life to transform. Every big shift is always preceded by a declaration, a decision and then through conscious action.

Divine Prayer and Vow for Abundance  by Rachel Scoltock 

Click here to download this prayer

 I invoke the beloved Divine God-Goddess Presence, Archangel Michael & my guardian angels & guides to work with me, for & through me in all directions of time and space, to bring about the manifestation of this vow in perfect ways and according to Divine will.

I declare and vow that I am ready and willing to open my heart and mind completely to the joy and abundance of life.

I am ready to experience peace, abundance, health, vitality, love and joy in THIS REALITY and THIS TIME.

I commit and surrender to this path and I hold fast in my faith that I am guided and protected by Divine love.

I am ready to receive true abundance and love in all the ways it wants to express itself in my life, in perfect timing in perfect ways. I am open. I surrender my egoic need to control and pursue any situation.

 I am willing and ready to let go of all conditions of scarcity, fear and limitation.

I let go of all grasping, resistance and self-sabotage I now flow with life. Trusting that as I do the highest will always flow my way.

I call in what I need in alignment with Source and for the Highest good, using my voice, words and thoughts to open the doors.

 I let go of all beliefs which are corrupting my energy and mind with fear, resentment, disbelief, limitation, persecution and guilt.

I invoke the angels to release and transmute negative cords, traumas and small ideas which bind me to darkness, resentment and lack.

I stand firm as I claim and hold the sacred energetic frequency of Divine Love, abundant Prosperity, vital Vibrant Health, simple Joy, Sacred relationship with myself and others and my Source.

 I fully recognise myself as Divine, Sacred and worthy and I treat myself with love and respect. I accept myself fully and I am willing to let go of all illusions of unworthiness which disconnect me from Abundant Love.

I now release all patterns that convince me I am less than my Divine Self.

I value myself, my energy, my time and my body and I release all need to experience abuse, poverty, lack, scarcity, disease and fear.

I value the rights of others as I do my own and I release and transmute my need to control, judge or abuse others, knowing that at core we are One.

I let go of “victim” thinking now and forever in all lifetimes and transmute this karma to Divine light.

I love and respect myself and love flows naturally into my life.

I let go of my fear that I am limited and powerless. I reclaim my power over my mind, my energy and my emotions with Divine help. I see myself as empowered and connected.

 I am responsible for co-creating my experiences through alignment and love.

I know that my thoughts always return to me therefore I create a mindset that honours the life I want to experience.

 I ask for Divine healing for my unhappy thought patterns. I reach for higher thoughts.

I bless and release all the hardship of the past. I see each situation as a teacher, I forgive and release all that has gone before. I grow more open and loving with each day. The past does not dictate who I am. I live fully in the present moment.

I am grateful for everything including the pain which has shown me a deeper understanding of life and myself and my power. I let go of guilt self-hatred and anger. Knowing that these are not true or real.

 I vow to see life in new ways.

I hold dear my self-worth, my energy, my time, my space, my values, my integrity and my precious life. I honour and bless others where they are on their path. I let go of trying to fix everyone and I release “people pleasing” in exchange for honouring other people’s journey and loving myself.

I let go with love of anything that is showing me it’s time to go.

I take one step at a time no longer comparing myself to others, I remove and release my need to absorb, partake or indulge in jealousy, resentment, self-hate, worry, guilt, gossip, self-pity, criticism, judgement, and attack.

I open my heart to give and receive love, compassion and peace.

I shine my light brightly and I hold new space to create and invite abundance. I stand in faith and peace. I know I am a creative force and I use my life for good in all ways.

I now allow myself to receive abundant blessings in whatever way they come. I show gratitude and life rewards me with greater abundance.

I am an open channel for abundance. I am a channel for Divine LOVE.

I feel fulfilled, loved, rich and connected, my fulfilment overflows to others. For this is my ascended path to serve from a place of fullness and compassion and self-love.

I am healing

Thank you Divine ones for your guidance, healing and protection on this path.
And so it is.

Would you like to create more abundance in your life? Are you ready to step away from restrictive fears and limiting ideas about what is possible for you? Are you OVER struggle and hit and miss manifesting?   Join the Angelic Abundance Activation

Go here to book in 

You will receive lifetime access to the recording and the guided meditation

✨Book a private 1:1 reading with Rachel Scoltock here

✨Read Rachel’s Book- My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium and Spiritual Teacher who has been sharing the angels messages and healing for more than 20 years. She can help you to connect with your angels, and tap into your intuition so you can receive the messages of healing, wisdom, and love waiting for you.



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