Cut the Cords that Drain Your Life Force

Angel, Angel messages, healing, Spiritual Awakening, Transformation


Do you suspect you have a psychic cord draining your energy?

One of the subjects I teach  in depth at my Angel Communication Practitioner Program is how to identify and cut negative cords that drain away your life force and lower your vibration.

Cord cutting is a lifelong skill which you will use over and over again to look after your energy and vitality. It’s very powerful method for healers to help their clients to move forward after difficult relationships and painful experiences

Psychic Cords are invisible yet powerful bonds that bond you to people, places and things. (even traumas). They are like hose-pipes hollow in the middle and they syphon your energy away towards the person or situation you are corded to. You can feel drained, negative, resentful, depleted, as if your spiritual connection is blocked and you may even notice your material life begins to suffer too!

Thoughts, emotions and even physical feelings travel along these these lines of energy that become thicker over time.

If you have a fear cord, then it can keep you attached to the situation or person, you may find you can’t stop thinking about the situation and all your interactions are effected by it.  If the cord is between you and a loved one, you will likely feel a rift in your relationship, and notice that negativity is growing in your life.

You can have Good Cords (Love) and Bad Cords (fear). (You can’t cut the positive cords of love – only the cords of fear)

Some of these cords of energy are life affirming and boost your vitality, connecting you to love.

For instance:I feel connected to Uluru, a sacred site in central Australia. I know I have a gorgeous golden cord to this area. positive Cords connect us to situations and people where there is an affinity and loving purpose.Think of a pet or loving person who enhances your life, you feel uplifted by their very presence on earth!

Negative cords deplete and weaken you, draining your life force and positive vibes away from you and sending lower toxic ones to you in their place.

These fear cords attach when there’s pain, hurt, insecurity, fear or resentment in the connection. 

How Cord Cutting Can Change Your Life:

Julie * not her real name* booked a session to help recover from a break up. She could not stop thinking about her ex, even though he’d left years ago.
When I scanned her, I saw a thick metallic cord attached like an iron glove to her heart chakra. This cord was blocking her ability to move on from her grief, and was holding her back from love of all kinds. She could not release this by herself.

Julie felt completely alone and her finances were at rock-bottom. (An open heart chakra allows you to receive positive energy.)

I coached her to let go of her painful attachment to this man with the help of Archangel Michael. 

The Angels and Julie did a great job of letting go of the fear cord. Even the room felt lighter and brighter when it was gone!

A few weeks later Julie called: she’d found a really exciting job and best of all ther painful thoughts about ex were gone. She felt hopeful and peaceful for the first time in years.
(I have full permission to share this story*)

I know what you are thinking… it’s time to chop some of your negative cords away!!

Remember you can only cut the fear based cords. Love cords are eternal and will not break. The way the relationship unfolds is up to Divine Wisdom and your free will.

If you want to forgive a loved one, heal a relationship or keep a happy loving relationship you will find it heals more easily when you release the cords of fear including any conflict, hurt, or resentment between you.

Angels are the only beings I work with to cut cords, because they are the absolute best at making sure the entire cord is removed including any roots and threads. Angels have the power of Transmutation, which enables toxic lower energies to be made clean and safe. This means the cord cannot suddenly reattach or continue causing harm. You will also notice that you will feel brighter, clearer, happier afterwards. This is because the angels replace the low energy cord with high vibrational Divine Love energy!

Here is a simple cord cutting with Archangel Michael:

Visualise yourself standing in front of a pure white cloud. In your minds-eye, and ask for Archangel Michael to come with his sword of light to sever any draining cords.

Ask to be shown the cord that is draining you the most. You may see or sense a dark heavy cord attached to your body or a chakra, you may get a knowing about who or what it is attached to. 

You may already know who you are corded too, and you can ask Archangel Michael to detach that cord. The angels cannot remove cords unless you are willing to let them go, along with your negative thoughts, fears and emotions about the situation.

Decide if you are willing to let it go along with all your fear based emotions and thoughts. Take deep breaths as you ask your angels to help you to pull out or cut and dissolve or transmute the cords. Archangel Michael will sweep his sword through the cords. See them disappearing into the cloud. Then let the angels refill the area  of your body with pure Divine Light.

Thank the angels for their help.

Make a commitment to not reattach via any continued thoughts of resentment or fear. Send love to the person if you are wishing for healing.

I can help you to cut your cords and release your fear based emotions and blocks for good. Here are a few ways:

To join the Powerful Cord Cutting to Releasing Energy Thieves 90 minute online Class($77AUD) click here for booking

Book a private healing with me (limited spaces) Contact me via email

Want to become an Angel Communication Practitioner? Learn how to share the messages and healing of the angels with others join the waitlist for the Angel communication Practitioner program click here 

To read Rachel’s book about Energy, Cords and Protection Go here Loving Your Sensitive Self How to Protect and Manage your Energy

Purchase my Cord cutting Meditation


Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author. Having worked professionally for more than 2 decades Rachel is an expert in Angel communication and Psychic development who can help you to discover your guidance,develop your spiritual gifts, and connect with your angels for their direction and support.


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