The hidden power of your aura, how it works with you to create and manifest what you want.
Why you feel drained and overwhelmed in your energy and how to correct it.
The colour of your aura and what that means about your purpose.
How to heal relationships through your aura & more
You will be guided through a meditative healing journey with the Archangels to release heavy energies and repair damage and tears from your aura.
You will receive an Archangel activation to receive higher frequencies in your auric field.
To learn more about your aura colours I have created you a free downloadable PDF The Colours of your Aura by Rachel Scoltock To continue the work of releasing I’ve added the Decree to release negative patterns PDF
The video is here:
To learn more about your aura colours I have created you a free downloadable PDF The Colours of your Aura by Rachel Scoltock.
To continue the work of releasing I’ve added the Decree to release negative patterns PDF.