Archangel Michael Attunement
To Call Back Your PowerLive Zoom Workshop & Recording with Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium
A Zoom workshop to Call Back Lost Energy and Reclaim Your Power With Archangel Michael
Would you like to let go of negative experiences, cords and attachments that drag you down?
Are you struggling to break free of thoughts, emotions and situations which are less than positive?
Would you like to reset your energy, call back your power so you can feel radiant, connected, confident and protected?
When you’re continually giving to everyone except yourself, you start to deplete your energy and experience lack and limitation in your material life.
Join me for an intensive cord cutting and Archangel Michael energy detox so you can reclaim your power and energy again!
At this special Archangel Michael zoom session I’ll show you exactly how to call back your power, protect your energy, release unhealthy attachments and remember who you truly are.
I’ll teach you the simple steps to overcome fear energy and how it effects you.
How to create a strong energetic boundary and how to protect your home, loved ones and any space you occupy.
Discover how to stop being drained and impacted by past experiences and external lower energies. I’ll show you how to work with Archangel Michael to diffuse any interfering negativity and create positive outcomes no matter what is going on.
You will also learn how to give to others without being depleted.
In this class and guided healing you will be released of all the cords and attachments that are draining your confidence and vitality. Archangel Michael will detach your energetic field from places and people that no longer serve you.
You’ll be connected to your Source and become a stronger vessel for Higher energy so you can manifest and experience all the protection, support, abundance, and life-force that you need.
During this tangible and restorative 90 minute session you will:
- Go through a potent sacred healing ceremony to connect with Archangel Michael and restore your power and confidence.
- Activate and awaken your Divine Power- Take up space and embody your true self
- Learn how to work with Archangel Michael to bring about transformation and abundance.
- Discover how to invoke Michael’s healing presence whenever you or others need his healing.
- Learn a Potent Archangel Michael Protection Grid Prayer that you can use whenever you need to cleanse and protect your personal field or any space or location.
- Go to Michael’s Healing Temple to receive his neon blue light to remove all disharmony, entities, cords and blockages from within and around you.
You can listen to the guided healing as often as you wish.
Don’t worry if you cannot attend live, you’ll have access to the recording.
Your ticket to this event includes lifetime access to the recording which you can access 5-24hrs after the live session.
Recording plus bonus prayer now available
Once you’ve paid an email will land in your inbox with the joining instructions. Check spam and contact us if you cannot find it. A recording will be sent 24 hours after the event. Refunds are not available. Terms and conditions apply.
Reviews for Archangel Attunements
The Archangel Metatron Attunement was truly incredible! The energy was incredibly high, and I am so glad to have experienced that!
Such an incredible feeling when Metatron showed up… I literally thought I was on a spinning ride!
And the feeling of the cube when it hit my aura, was just unexplainable.
Thank you again! What an amazing experience!
I love that I can have the replay for myself to do it privately in my own vibration with the spirit realm, it works better for me if I’m honest with you than live.
This is helping me so much! All my gratitude
Thank you!