Dream Visitations and Angel Hugs

Angel, Angels, Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever experienced an angel dream visitation or an angel hug? In this article Angel Medium Rachel Scoltock teaches you about the spiritual phenomenon of angel visitations and the intense emotional and physical sensations that they bring.

When you sleep your skeptical ego-mind is also snoozing. This allows the angels and your loved ones in spirit to bypass any barriers and make a deep connection with you that you will never forget.

What is

An angel dream visitation is a very vivid and emotional experience that stays with you for a long time.

Those who have had dream visitations commonly experience intense colorful visions, strong emotions, and physical sensations, which are made complete with warm loving hug.

Spiritual hugs that occur in angel dream visitations are hard to describe with words. You feel enveloped in pure love, which lifts your burdens, and leaves you in no doubt that angels exist.

If you’re lucky enough to meet a passed over loved one in your dreams, you will know you’ve spent time with them. You may experience a hug from your loved one in spirit which leaves you feeling their love and knowing that they are with you.

The sense of peace and love from these visitations lingers for a long time.

It is as if Heaven opens a door for a moment to give you access

The angels and our loved ones use these moments to deliver unconditional love, healing, and comfort in a way that is physically and emotionally palpable for you.

An angel hug is a message without words, a Divine healing and a message all at once! You are left with unwavering faith!

These kind of visitations most often happen when you sleep but they can also occur during meditation and other times when you’re vibration is heightened.

Here are 4 situations where you can experience an Angel Dream Visitation

1- In your night time dreams: A dream intervention feels different from your usual dreams.  The encounter feels real and vivid on an emotional and physical level.These dreams can happen when you most need comfort and reassurance. You’ll feel completely loved and the experience will stay with you.

2- In a deep meditative state:  An angel meditation can lead to some powerful and palpable experiences. You may feel the angels gently touch your shoulder, face, or head, or sense a supportive hand on your back. If you’re lucky you will feel arms or wings enveloping you in a hug.

3- When you are emotional:  Angels sometimes step in when you are in deep distress. Your heightened emotions make you more receptive. You may sense an angel wrapping their wings or arms around you, leaving you feeling calm and peaceful.

4- During an angelic healing session or group meditation: The angels use these opportunities to deliver intense healing and remove negative emotional energy. I’ve been present with clients when they received a heavenly hug. It’s deeply moving to witness their happy tearful faces and bright eyes.

Angel hugs are more likely to happen in these situations because your ego mind is temporarily on pause, which makes you more receptive to the presence of angels and other spiritual beings.I hold monthly angel attunements so you can experience the angels and their presence.

Guided meditations and angelic healings raise your frequency to the level of the angels which means you are more open to their presence.

How to Experience Angel Dream Visitation.

There are no guarantees, but an angelic experience is more likely if you set a clear intention to receive an angel visitation. Ask your angels to visit you and give you a hug. The Law of Free Will means that angels can’t intervene in your life without your permission.

Before you fall asleep each night, ask your guardian angel to enter your dreams to help you with something. You can use my Meet Your Angel guided meditation before bedtime to align your intentions.

Do your best to detach and let go of when and how this visitation happens. If you try to force an angel visitation on your timeline, you will block the experience.

Trust that your angel visitation will happen in Divine timing

You can’t force any spiritual experience by demanding angels appear, hug you or deliver a sign. Like all angel interventions, angel hugs are very special and not to be taken for granted or demanded.

oh… and when it happens write and tell me! I love to hear and share angel stories!

I am sending you Divine love and  Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock x

Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author

Would you like to connect more deeply with the angels? Here are a few ways to do this;

1- Book a Private Angel Reading with me

2-Go over to my Free Angel Library for guided angel meditations

3- Read Rachel’s popular book My Life with Angels: How to Access the Healing and Wisdom of the Angels

4-Come to my Angel  Attunement online Classes Each month you will learn about the different Angels and Spiritual knowledge and be guided through a deeply healing channeled meditation to attune to and experience the angels’ energy.

5-🪽The Angel Communication Practitioner Program teaches you how to deeply connect with angels and how to receive angel messages for yourself and others. You can take this course as professional training to grow your spiritual business or as personal spiritual growth. You can find out more or join the waitlist here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

Having worked professionally for more than 2 decades Rachel is an expert in Angel communication and Psychic development who can help you to discover your guidance, ,develop your spiritual gifts, and connect with your angels.




  1. Renee


    I wanted to write because I had the most incredible experience last night. Before I went to sleep, I asked my guardian angel to come visit give me a hug. I was not feeling well and very emotional. During the night, I all of a sudden felt this slight breeze and heard the flapping of wings or flutter, then I felt someone hugging me. At first, I was startled and froze but I remembered I had asked for a hug from my guardian angel and realized I was being hugged by my angel.

    • Rachel

      Hi Renee, How beautiful, your angel responded quickly to your request! Thank you for sharing this.
      I am glad you got to experience the angel hug.
      Love and blessings
      Rachel x

      • Mike

        These comments are beautiful, I live in Amish country in Lancaster PA, sadly im caring for my wife who has a terminal illness and not long left, it extremely demanding being her full time caregiver, but a blessing I embrace, i always try my best and am hard on myself if I breakdown sometimes, its tough with a full time job as well. I have gotten visits in past, from my dad 27 years ago when he died remember that hug and feeling like it was yesterday. Last night in a dream i was on a bus, an Amish small boy came on all dressed in black with a black hat, not sure of the relevance maybe cause i live in amish country, but he hugged me and the feeling was so amazing, I felt no pain, no guilty or sadness, just tremendous feeling of happiness. Was it God or an Angel he sent, i believe it was something special and not of this world.

        • Rachel

          Hi Mike,
          Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry to hear that your wife is terminally ill. I am sure it is incredibly tough on you physically and emotionally to care for her and keep everything else going too. No one would blame you for breaking down. Please do not be hard on yourself – your angels and God would not want you to feel that way and they sent you the dream visitation for that reason. I am sure that the little boy was sent to give you that hug to lift your burdens and remind you that you are loved and supported by Heaven. The visit sounds like an angel visitation. A blessing. Keep surrendering the hard stuff to the angels and God. You are doing an amazing job. I am sending you and your wife love. Angel Blessings Rachel

  2. Helen

    I had the strangest experience last night in my dream I saw a figure in the distance larger than life and glowing with light all around them. They had their arms outstretched to me. I could not see a face but I had an inate feeling of joy and excitement and that I was running into the arms of a very familiar person. They hugged me and I woke up but I wasn’t afraid it was a lovely calming feeling. I just wish I understood what it was.

    • Rachel

      Hi Helen, that sounds exactly what I describe in this blog. You were visited by an angel!!

  3. Jamillah R.

    You are so on point. My daughter passed away on December 2, 2023. I had a visitation with her on January 16, 2024. Before I went to sleep that night, I told her that I needed to see her and then I said told God that when I am asking my daughter for something, I am asking Him. Right before I woke up (I am not 100% sure I was asleep) I saw my daughter standing right in front of me. I said her name a couple of times in complete shock. She put a piece of paper in the upper left pocket of my shirt and said you might need this. Then she showed me an old red key. I could tell it was old because it looked worn. Then we hugged and the hug felt just like her earthly hugs with the same slim physical body. And then she was gone. I cried hysterically after that. They were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. I was baffled by the hug because she had been cremated. A few weeks ago, my granddaughter (daughter’s daughter) who is 22 months old was staring at the headboard on my bed and kissing it. She would back away, look at it and then kiss it. After she did this a couple of times, I asked her who she was kissing, and she said mama.

    • Rachel

      Hi Jamillah,
      First let me say how sorry I am for your loss, that must be unbearable at times. You definitely had a visitation from her and that hug, as you say felt so real, because it was real. These experiences are truly healing and incredibly emotional. I am so happy you had that experience. Your daughter showed you she was safe in her spirit body which is intact for all of us when we pass. Thank you for sharing these experiences, and that your grand-daughter saw her too. I am sure your experience will be a comfort for others who read it here. Sending you love. Angel Blessings Rachel x

  4. Rae Kelly


    My daughters passed away some time ago and I was going through an emotional time some years later. I was asleep in a motel and as I was starting to wake – I felt myself wrapped in a cacoon of love. It is the only way to describe it. I was smiling as I started to wake and was covered in goosebumps from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet – it felt like I was on a bed of cotton wool. I had never felt so loved and safe in all of my life and will never forget how I felt. I thought it was my daughters who had visited me but I have many loved ones who are now in spirit and I know they all love and support me in my earthly life.
    In peace and love

    • Rachel

      Hi Rae, what a beautiful spiritual experience of love! Thank you for sharing. Of course it can be your angels visiting, or your daughters. Just know it was that those in Spirit including God and the Angels wanted you to have a healing experience of the Heavenly light. Blessings to you
      Love Rachel x

  5. Jim

    Hi Rachel, I’m so glad I found your website! I had a really strange dream two days ago, and I wanted to share it with you. Ok, so to put things in context, I moved to a new part of the country about 3 years ago, and since I moved, I’ve been desperately missing my good friends I left behind, and the activities I used to enjoy before I moved. Since I moved, I’ve found it difficult to make new friends & find the motivation to carry on with my hobbies which I used to enjoy. So, in my dream, I was back in my home town and walking along by the river, which is something I used to enjoy. Suddenly, I spotted some people in the distance, whom I felt were my friends. Then an angel appeared & started running towards my friends. It was a small, child-like cherubic angel, bronze in colour. I started chasing him (I felt it was a ‘him’), and shouting “Angel, angel…” Then as we approached my friends, I woke up. I felt an incredible sense of peace & happiness for several hours afterwards. No words were spoken, but the meaning I took away was that I would soon be moving back to my home town, and re-joining my beloved friends. Just thinking about it, makes me shed tears of joy, and I find it hard to talk about this experience without becoming tearful and choking as I start to speak. I wasn’t given any guidance as to exactly how I would achieve my move, or when this might happen. But I just felt sure that somehow I would be moving back home & joining my friends soon. Jim.

    • Rachel

      hi Jim, thank you for sharing your angel visitation dream. You know I think you can rest in the faith and knowing your move is imminent and your angels are guiding you back to your friends and the place where you feel safe and happy.
      Those guidance steps and signs will come to you through synchronicity. Keep the faith and keep your mind on that feeling of being back there!
      I’m holding the vision for you!
      Blessings Rachel x

      • Jim

        Hi Rachel, thanks for your reply, and reassuring words. Since my visitation dream, I’ve been keeping an eye out for further signs, but so far I havn’t noticed any to speak of. I guess these will come as & when it’s the right time. The one thing which does happen, is I keep finding coins in the street when I’m out & about, but I’m not sure if these are signs from the angels, or just good luck signs… I usually keep them if they are heads-up, or turn them over for someone else to find if they are tails-up! Jim

        • Rachel

          Hi Jim, thank you. I always say “Divine timing, not our timing” so keep your faith strong and keep affirming that your already on your way! Coins can be an angel sign of abundance and support. They show you that you are financially taken care of and to ask for their help with money if you need it. A coin or penny can also be a message from a loved one in spirit who is saying hi. Just say thank you angels! I love how you leave some for others!

          • Jim

            Hi Rachel, You’re absolutely right- apart from missing my friends and my old life back home, I’m also very worried about finances at the moment! I have been asking the Angels for help, especially Ariel, (I believe she’s the one who mostly looks after this side of things). It’s reassuring that finding pennies & other coins is a good sign that help is on the way. I have been seeing other signs as well, like white feathers, the number 777 popping up, and some small cash wins. I will continue to ask for help, and show gratitude for any gifts or signs which come my way. Blessings, Jim.

          • Rachel

            Archangel Ariel is the angel of abundance and helps us with finding emergency cash too! Yes, it sounds like you’re on the right path. Holding the vision that your goals are abundantly fulfilled
            Angel Blessings Rachel

  6. Jessica R


    My Aunt, who I was pretty close with, passed away 2 years ago. I’ve thought about her often throughout the last 2 years but last night, she came to visit me in my dream.

    I was somewhere outside and there was a very large crowd. All of a sudden, I see my aunt walk out from the crowd, with a huge smile on her face and her arms open wide as if she was coming to give me a hug. When she reached me and we connected with our hug, I felt this intense “zing” throughout my entire body. It felt like really powerful goosebumps that I felt all the way down to my toes. This embrace didn’t last long but when it stopped, the “zing” I had felt ended and she was gone.

    I’ve never experienced anything like this before during a dream. I’ve never been able to actually feel something like this.

    There are a lot of unexpected events happening in my life right now and I truly feel like this was her way to provide comfort and show me that she is watching over me.

    This connection with her makes me feel so blessed.

    • Rachel

      Thanks for sharing your beautiful dream visitation Jess. Your story is so profound and it will help others who read it too. Sounds like you got a Zing of energy and love from your Aunt to support you and as you say to let you know she’s with you!

      Rachel x

    • Jim

      Hi Rachel, I’m seeing 77 and 777 all over the place at the moment! Does that mean my luck is improving, or am I just noticing the numbers more? Many thanks, Jim.

      • Rachel

        Hi Jim 777 and 77 are angel numbers, they mean that you are on the right track with your intentions, your manifestations are on the way and your angels want you to keep up with your positive energy, prayers, and thoughts/ visualisations. You may have noticed a pop up ad on my website blog pages offering my Angel Numbers Guide, you fill in that form it will automatically send you the guide to repeated angel numbers free.
        Thanks for sharing

  7. Jim

    Hi Rachel, since the excitement of the last couple of months, things seem to have died down a bit! I’m not getting nearly as many signs as before, other than finding a few coins in the street now & then. Does this mean that the Angels have forgotten about me?

    Having said that, I did get a surprise 6 days ago, and I wanted to ask you whether this could be an Angelic sign? I log onto a daily horoscope website which gives various astrological & Tarot predictions. The prediction I got on Monday the 14th was that I was going to come into some money in October, but it didn’t specify the source! Now, obviously, if I’m planning to move back to my home town to be with my family & friends, this will cost a fair bit! So, I was wondering, do the Angels ever communicate & work with us so directly via a 3rd party website? The message did have a pretty unambiguous & direct feeling to it, and it just felt like it was a direct communication to me- it’s hard to describe exactly what I mean by this! What do you think about this, does it feel like a message from the Angels?

    Many thanks, Jim.

    • Rachel

      Hi Jim,
      Keep up your prayers and medititations to keep the spiritual energy flowing and so you remain open to the signs and messages.
      We are the drivers of spiritual connection so ASKING and praying ignites the response. When we go into fear, or lack of faith we block our signs and our angel messages. Angels don’t ever leave our side or forget about you.
      Angels set up synchronicities such as the one you saw regarding the astrology. So yes is the answer. The important part is when we get signs and messages to follow through on the guidance and the message we receive, so if the angels are perhaps giving you guidance to change your mindset around money and what is possible for you, then keep that up. That will then evoke more guidance. Trust your feelings!
      Rachel xx

      • Jim

        Hi Rachel, many thanks for your reply! I agree, this does seem to be a synchronicity- to receive such a direct & unambiguous message about my finances just at a time when I’m hoping for help to move close to my loved ones. And as you’ve said before, I think we home in on these messages & recognise them as being important because they are intended for us.

        I guess it would be unnecessary for the Angels to continuously bombard us with messages & signs, so maybe they just send important ones now & then, at important times as we go through our life journey?

        Kind regards, Jim.

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