Access the Power of Synchronicity

Abundance, Angel messages

Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.
Albert Einstein

I do not believe that coincidence and synchronicity are random accidents.

I know that they are evidence that we are supported and loved by the Angels and the Divine.

When you say a sincere prayer or put your intentions to the universe, you invite help which will arrive exactly on time.

This is synchronicity: an event that matches your intentions shows up to support or guide you.

It never fails

Unless you are consciously looking, you may fail to notice these gifts or dismiss them as ordinary, random events.

It is true, synchronicity happens more than most people appreciate.

We tend to look for and notice the BIG coincidences and signs, but we rarely tap into all the little and seemingly random situations that show up all the time. 

Take a look around you is it really a coincidence that you are reading this email today? What about the books, people and other situations in your life right now?

Some of those situations are in your life for a reason, to help you, guide you or teach you something important that you will need.

Sometimes a coincidence brings THE answer directly to you. 

Other times it is a sign, or a lesson that leads you to what you need.

My spiritual path has taught me that everything that shows up in our lives is there for a reason.

Because our Angels  and the Universe have our backs 100%

Even the challenges and hardships we encounter offer blessings if we choose to receive them.

(No, this does not mean that your angels created that awful relationship, or made you go through a painful loss or a trauma)

But the way our Universe is set up, means that we can learn and glean powerful spiritual knowledge from everything that we go through.

We live and learn on a soul level.

Sometimes it takes a long time to stop blaming or feeling guilty so you can understand the spiritual lesson hidden within the challenge.

This is why synchronicity is so important. It shows you that you are on the right path, that the Divine has heard your prayers, and that you are NOT EVER alone!

IF you are working to create or heal anything in your life, then you can guarantee that synchronicity is playing an important part.

There are no coincidences, everything is connected.

You can draw on this law of synchronicity to help you right now.

Look for at least 5 situations that are “coincidentally” in your life  to help you in achieving what you need and want in life.

What signs and gifts have shown up recently?
What new people, teachers, messengers and books are you aware of?
How are you being supported by life?
What traits have you developed in the past that can help you?

You may be surprised at how aligned everything may seem, even in the midst of chaos!

For instance I have been so grateful that I moved 3 months ago, this house is private, peaceful and a perfect place to grieve, heal and plan my next steps. Amazing books, people and podcasts are showing up. Life is supporting me.!

Synchronicity is always at work, the Universe never stops creating and never stops supporting you.

The more that you tune into and acknowledge this truth, the more you will activate the laws of synchronicity and invite the angels to help you.

Yes, you may have obvious BLOCKS, there may be problems, or things to complain about, but shifting your mindset towards what is HELPING you will change everything. 

There are always dormant forces within and around you, ready to activate the moment you call upon them.

What you focus on, expands!

Your very existence is not coincidental,
neither are your dreams, you are loved and supported by your angels.

If you feel worried or powerless at anytime then call on your angels and the Universe to show you how to overcome challenges with synchronicity and signs.

You are never alone, and you have access to unlimited healing energy and supportive guidance to achieve your dreams and heal your life.

Angel Blessings
Rachel x

You have 10 days left to receive discounts on my Angel Retreat in the Sacred Centre of Australia 18th and 19th May 2019
This is the perfect opportunity to step away from your every day life and shift your mindset, release fear, sabotage and blocks for good.

You will learn to tap into the angels guidance, develop your intuition and  connect with like minded and like hearted people to receive the next steps for your life.

When you book into this retreat  ( pay in full) you will also receive a private mentoring session with me worth $497 plus a powerful healing meditation and a copy of my book.

If you would like to be a part of this sacred angelic immersion and join me and a group of like minded women for a life changing weekend in  central Australia,  please message me privately using one of the button links below or reply to this email. Spaces are running out and the special early bird offer ends soon.

Angel blessings
Rachel x


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