How To Know if You’re Growing Spiritually

Angels, Spiritual Awakening

Do you ever stop to wonder if you’re growing spiritually?

If you are wondering if you’re on the right path, aligned with your highest good or if you’ve gone off track this article will help you to find your way back!

We can all get stuck and waylaid on our spiritual path, the ego can distract and misdirect us and before long you start to feel stagnant, buried under negativity or just plain lost!.

Your Spiritual path is always waiting for you and your angels are ready to guide you back. The 5 signs below will help you to navigate back into alignment with your path of spiritual growth

Here are 5 signs that you’re growing spiritually:

1- You’re more attracted to peace than drama.

Do you find yourself avoiding the news and scrolling through Netflix for something uplifting and spiritual?

Spiritual seekers are naturally attracted to peace and light.

Being on a spiritual path helps you to deal with the negativity in the world (and the ego within yourself). You learn to listen more often to your higher soul-self rather than your lower ego thoughts.

Peace and a desire to avoid drama is a sign that you’re growing spiritually.

Progress isn’t always a straight line though.

Ego can show up in many disguises.

If you find yourself scrolling through the comments on social media for arguments or watching too many true-crime shows. Your ego may have taken over. Ego finds drama exciting, seeking it out for the adrenaline hit. It’s a temporary, toxic high which ultimately drains you, lowering your vibration and holding you back.

Anytime you feel that drama or negativity are taking over ask your angels to help you to detach from ego, reconnect you to Source and guide you to situations that bring you peace.

2- You’re learning and developing your gifts.

The spiritual path IS a path of learning and developing. We never get to the end of it.

But sometimes we stall, stagnate, or wander away from our path. We get distracted by the mundane chores and routines of life, and we stop listening to our angels and our soul.

Even the most naturally gifted psychics, teachers, and healers are always learning. It’s part of why we are all here in “Earth School!”

If you are feeling stuck then consider exploring your gifts to the next level.  You can take training to develop your intuitive or healing gifts so you can fulfil their potential and perhaps help others.

Notice what you’re attracted to and take steps to find out more about it. That spark of interest and excitement is your soul speaking to you.

It doesn’t always have to make sense or lead somewhere obvious. Often your spiritual guidance doesn’t make sense until your follow it!

The more you understand and develop your spiritual side,  your connection to the Divine and your Soul becomes stronger and your innate gifts, guidance, and abilities begin to surface.

You may find yourself receiving more signs and synchronicities leading you to a new beginning. You’ll start to manifest what you need, rather than feeling powerless to change the course of your life.

As you develop and learn, you start to understand your purpose and you’ll be given the guidance about how to use your gifts help others.

3- You have a regular Spiritual Practice.

There is a reason why most spiritual teachers suggest a daily practice of meditation, Divine connection, and energy protection.

Your spiritual practice keeps your ego in check and ensures that your guidance remains strong and clear.

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience, so this means that if you ignore your spiritual side or only save it for special events, you will start to notice a sense that something is missing.

When we are disconnected, we try to fill that hole with food, material items, drama, scrolling, addictions and other ego- activities. But what you are really craving is your Divine Connection. Your soul is calling out for attention.

If you’ve stopped meditating and connecting with your angels it’s because ego has persuaded you it’s too hard or you’re too busy. Ego starts to take over your mind with fear, negative thoughts and dissatisfaction which can manifest more problems.

You can start your spiritual practice at any time with a daily guided meditation. Join the waitlist for my next program to develop a strong daily practice. And a deeper connection to the Angels.

4 -You are hearing and following your guidance.

Your life is moving forward and it feels aligned. You’re taking leaps of faith, trusting in your angels and your intuition to guide you.

It’s not unusual to become stuck in a swamp of doubt and procrastination on your spiritual path! This is simply a sign that fear is present. 

You receive some significant guidance to take an important step that will change everything. (e.g. take a course, write a book, start a business, leave a toxic situation)

Suddenly you start doing anything to avoid taking that step: over-eating, caring for others, taking on extra work, getting involved in dramas, feeling guilty.

This is known as spiritual self sabotage. It’s like putting your hands over your ears and singing loudly to avoid hearing your guides. This happens because your ego is trying to protect you with self limiting thoughts an fears.

The good news is that your Divine guidance won’t go away and will keep repeating until you listen. Your Angels have your back!

Ask Archangel Michael to help you to release your fear and to give you the courage to take that step. Then take it. Write a chapter, pay a deposit. Take one small action and keep going.

Remember progress is more important than perfection.

5-You are less attached to perfection and more interested in being yourself

God is in you, as you. 

It’s a waste of time trying to be anything or anyone but yourself spiritually or otherwise?

When you have a deep spiritual practice you remember who you really are at a soul level. It becomes easier to make decisions and follow your path because your decisions are based on your authentic self not your fears, or the opinions of others!

Being spiritual doesn’t mean you should float around in a white kaftan, drumming and quoting Rumi (or any other stereotype.)

You can be spiritual in cowboy boots or Hi-Tops and jeans listening to country, rock, or whatever makes you feel the most you!

There is no such thing as a spiritually perfect person.

No- one, no matter what they claim, is a reincarnated Ascended master or Archangel. (another ego trap)

We’re all here in Earth School bumbling along together. Winging it with the angels as our guides.

Let the Divine in you, express itself as the authentic you and give up any self comparison or false ideas about what it means to be spiritual. You’re here to learn and grow as YOU.

No matter how “spiritual” you are, everyone is susceptible to distraction and the illusions of ego. We all have unhealed wounds that can show up as triggers and fears.

Every single human encounters difficult obstacles, loss, struggle and heartbreak that can challenge even the strongest faith.

⚡⭐None of this necessarily means that you’re “off” your spiritual path.

Arguably these challenges ARE the spiritual path IF we allow them to lead us to greater awareness and healing.

Your spiritual practice keeps you grounded in awareness and aligned with your guides and angels.

It’s never too late to recognise a toxic pattern and seek healing (and forgiveness if necessary).

Even our darkest moments are grist for the mill of the soul.

We always have something to learn which leads to a new understanding and higher levels of spiritual growth.

Here are some ways I can help you to get back on your spiritual path:

1- Join my Monthly Archangel Attunement Activations and Classes-These 90 minute online Zoom classes are an opportunity to regularly connect with the angels and release lower energies that can sabotage you spiritually and otherwise. This is a monthly spiritual session to reconnect, receive clearing, protection, healing and guidance. Each class is a mixture of learning and healing.Go here to learn more and build a monthly spiritual practice to connect with your angels and your soul.

2- Sign up for my psychic development and angel communication program Angel Communication Practitioner Program  created for Lightworkers to switch on their inner light, activate their spiritual gifts and discover their next steps. Building a spiritual practice is a core teaching in both programs.

3- Sign up for the Free Angel Library of Meditations to accompany your spiritual practice

4-Sign up for my latest Free Masterclass- How to Hear Your Angels


Rachel Scoltock Renowned Angel Medium, Psychic Development Teacherandauthor

Get in touch with Rachel here



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