Finding Peace When The World Feels Full Of Darkness

Abundance, Angel messages

The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a Universe that is supportive and friendly or hostile and unkind” Albert Einstein

I have to admit, I struggled to write this blog today. The last week or so has left me feeling a little lost for words, feeling inadequate to share something meaningful with you.

Recent tragic World events and some personal stuff have shaken me up and weighed me down.

Fear energy is like a cloud crossing the sun, if you let it in, it can seem to block your connection to the Light. 
And that is how I felt – disconnected from my creativity and light, I had to shift it, but I also had a deadline to get this article done!

wanted to write you a comforting message about the attack in Christchurch New Zealand on our Muslim brothers and sisters. I wanted to send love to counteract the darkness, comfort, love and reassurance.

But I couldn’t, I got stuck each time I tried to write.

So after a couple of hours of staring at a blank page, I went out to my front yard to take some deep breaths and ask for help.

I prayed to God and my Angels to shift the heavy energy blocking me and show me what I needed to know.

When I opened my eyes  I was transfixed by a beautiful flower in front of me.

Seriously, I could not believe how gorgeous it was. It seemed to glow and draw me in.

A friend recently gifted me a small frangipani tree in a pot and it’s first beautiful pink flower had unfurled overnight. 

I could not take my eyes away.
I felt so irrationally grateful for that one single flower.

And then I knew the answer to my dilemma:

I understood that focusing on beauty, peace and gratitude is the only way to stay connected and peaceful in times of darkness.

Focusing on the darkness is not the way to heal anything.

Though there are many terrible things out in the world, there are also many many beautiful and wonderful things,  it is up to each of us to keep our mind tuned to love not fear.

Fear brings you down, Love lifts you up.

Fear creates clouds of darkness, Love allows the light in again.

Looking for the beauty and love can be the most powerful thing you can do, both for yourself and the world.

Beauty, Love, Gratitude, Kindness, Laughter, Compassion, Courage are energies that everyone has access to.

These aspects keep us connected to ourselves and to a power greater than us.

Seek them out, look for ways to express them, and keep your mind focused on THEM not the darkness, not the wrongness! They will guide you forward and keep you connected and aligned with all that is good.

There are always two channels  in our minds to focus on, the channel of Fear or the channel of Love.

I am sending you so much love and appreciation

Love Rachel x

Ps there is a prayer and healing below in the weekly video reading recorded this morning before writers block hit me!

Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock x
Angel Medium, Author, Spiritual Teacher

You can book a private Soul Coaching session with me Book here




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