3 Signs Your Guardian Angel Wants To Connect With You

Angel, Angel messages, Angels, Confidence, Finding Peace, Letting Go, New thought, Problem solving, Spiritual Awakening

3 Signs Your Guardian Angel Wants to Connect with You

Did you know your guardian angel has been with you since before you were born? Their sole purpose is to guide, protect, and support you every step of the way. 💫

Your guardian angel knows your soul’s purpose, your challenges, and the dreams you’re meant to achieve in this lifetime. Yet, so often, they’re overlooked in favor of Archangels (the “rock stars” of the angelic world). While Archangels are incredible—I have a special connection with Archangel Michael—your guardian angel has a uniquely personal bond with you.

When you consciously connect with them, the guidance, wisdom, and healing they offer can completely transform your life. If you’ve been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or in need of a breakthrough, your guardian angel may already be sending you signs to reach out.

My First Angelic Connection

I’ll never forget the moment angels stepped in to save my life. It was years ago, and I was driving late at night. As I approached a bend, I suddenly heard a loud, clear voice say, “STOP!” I slammed on the brakes just as another car came speeding around the corner, missing me by inches.

After that, things began to change. I started waking up at 3 a.m. to hear a voice gently calling my name. Every day, I found white feathers on my doorstep—even when I went camping in the middle of nowhere! I heard disembodied music so ethereal it could only have come from heaven.

The angels guided me to books and seminars that confirmed what I was experiencing. I learned to listen, to trust their messages, and to let them lead me. They gently nudged me toward my soul’s path, guiding me to become an angel medium and healer.

Even today, when I see repeated angel numbers, a feather floats by my office window, or I notice an orb in a photograph, I know my angels are reaching out to me.

3 Signs Your Guardian Angel Wants Your Attention

If you’ve been noticing any of these signs, your guardian angel is trying to connect with you. Pay attention—they may have something important to share!

  1. Repeating Numbers
    Numbers like 111, 444, or 999 aren’t just coincidences. These angel numbers are a clear sign your guardian angel is asking you to communicate. They carry messages of guidance, reassurance, and encouragement. Read more about the angel signs here
  2. White Feathers
    After the angels saved me from the car accident, I found a feather every single day for weeks. Feathers are like a gentle whisper from your angels, reminding you they’re with you and ready to support you.
  3. Feeling Drawn to Angels
    Have you been inexplicably drawn to angels? Perhaps you find yourself reading about them, wanting to learn more, feeling emotional when you think of them, or noticing their presence in unexpected ways even though it feels illogical. This is a nudge from your guardian angel to deepen your connection they have important guidance for your life..

Other Guardian Angel Signs

The signs don’t stop there! Guardian angels can also show their presence through:

  • Orbs in photographs- glowing white orbs, flashes or colored arcs of light
  • Clouds shaped like angels.
  • Seeing the word “angel” on t-shirts, trucks, or name badges.
  • Feeling a soft touch on your shoulder or hand.
  • Synchronicities—unbelievable coincidences that lead to dreams coming true.
  • Hearing heavenly music or experiencing a wave of peace during a difficult moment.
  • Learn the 10 undeniable signs that angels are with you here

Why These Signs Matter

Your guardian angel is always with you, offering love, support, and guidance. But they need your permission to fully step in and help with deeper guidance. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward opening the door to more profound assistance.

Take one small step today and say aloud or in writing: ” Dear Guardian Angel, I give you permission to intervene in my life and help me with….” Tell your angel everything you need help with and ask for signs that they’ve heard you.

Answer the Call

If you’re ready to connect deeply with your guardian angel, join me for the Guardian Angel Attunement and Class on February 7th, 2025. This powerful session will help you recognize your angel’s presence, learn how to communicate with them, and invite their transformative guidance into your life.

And if you’re ready to take your angelic journey even further, my Angel Communication Practitioner Program starts again soon. This program will teach you how to work with angels on a deeper level and receive  their healing and guidance for yourself and others.

✨ Reserve Your Spot for the Guardian Angel Class
✨ Learn More About the ACP Program training

Your guardian angel is waiting to guide you—are you ready to listen?

With love and angelic blessings,
Rachel 💖🕊️

Want to learn to receive  messages and healing from the angels for yourself and others? Become a certified Angel Communication Practitioner- My Angel Communication Practitioner program is comprehensive, deeply healing,  and comes with plenty of support and connection from me as your teacher. You will not only learn the exact steps to professional angel communication, but also how to protect your energy, set boundaries, and ethically practice as an ACP! Go here to learn more.

Rachel Scoltock is a renowned angel medium, spiritual teacher and author with over 2 decades of professional experience guiding, healing and teaching others.

Passionate about guiding souls on their spiritual journey, Rachel stands out as a beacon of authenticity in a world saturated with spiritual noise. ‘

Rachel is dedicated to helping individuals to find clarity,  healing, their soul purpose and a deeper spiritual connection.

Rachel’s personal journey and profound experiences with the angelic realm maker her a sought after guide for those seeking genuine spiritual enlightenment.

📚Rachel’s books about Angels and Intuition are highly popular and insightful. You can read more about Rachels experiences and how to have your own in – My Life with Angels- How to access the healing and wisdom of the Angels here: Go to Amazon


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